37. The “What’s Going Well” Trick

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How can you tell what is going well versus what is not? Are you following your vision or do things just seem at a standstill? That’s just some of what I dive into, in this week’s show.

When I set out to start Date Brazen, many didn’t get why I would choose to build a business with a feminist approach as a dating coach. I was told things like:

“People don't want to work on their dating life, they just want to get married.” 

“I don't think they're going to resonate with a feminist approach.”

It can be easy to be swayed by people that don't get your vision - whether it’s the people who didn’t understand my vision for Date Brazen or the people in your life who don’t get why you are working with a dating coach.

In this week’s episode, I wanted to spread some gratitude as we enter Thanksgiving week.  Thank you for sharing this joy with me as we build this business together.

Of course, the year 2020 has been fraught with many challenges. And this holiday week might be one that is tough. So I also wanted to share a practice that helps me keep things in perspective.

It’s really easy to see what is not going well. That’s why I created a practice called, “The What’s Going Well Tracker.” This trick will help you transform the ways in which you are mindful about what is going well in your life, today and in the future. 

Here’s a breakdown of today’s episode:

  • When others don’t see your vision.

  • Why you should start a practice to recognize what is going well.

  • I share what I am most grateful for this holiday season.

Here Are The Links & Resources Mentioned In Today’s Episode:

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38. Biggest holidays dating fears and how to move through them


36. Building an unapologetic dating life