38. Biggest holidays dating fears and how to move through them

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The holiday season is here. And as we step into the final month of the year, what are you worried about in your dating life?  What are your fears? Today, I'm going to be talking about how you can work through those fears and move forward with intention. 

In fact, some of the most common dating fears I’ve heard recently, from clients, include:

Time is running out. 

I haven’t found love and that’s a failure.

In this episode, I provide you with a roadmap to help you overcome some of these pandemic-specific dating fears. 

Know this, feelings change, feelings aren’t fact. They are valid, but they are not facts. You’ll learn some ways to feel all the feelings and move through your biggest fears. 

Remember, my gorgeous friend, you are uniquely qualified to find the love of your life. And, what is meant for you will not pass you by.

Here’s a breakdown of today’s episode:

  • How and why you should get to know your fear in an intimate way.

  • Choosing thoughts that are useful to you, that also feel true.

  • Writing a compassionate letter to yourself.

  • A constructive response to the feeling of hopelessness.

  • Creating a self-care plan for the holiday season ahead.

Here Are The Links & Resources Mentioned In Today’s Episode:

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39. How to move past the "shoulds" in your dating life


37. The “What’s Going Well” Trick