36. Building an unapologetic dating life

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Today, I want you to practice CLAIMING why you are awesome. What you love about yourself. Why someone is going to feel so lucky to call you their partner. 

Pushing down what made me EXACTLY who I was, why I was awesome and complicated and beautifully “too much”, it made me feel like a hollow husk of myself in my dating life.

That all changed when I shifted the focus to exactly why I loved myself, why I was worthy of love, what I was bringing to the table on dates, that’s when dating started to feel like self-care. In this episode, I am going to share how I made the shift and how you can too.

With this shift, dating became an opportunity to explore and live out what I loved about myself.

What if you approached your dating life while clearly knowing exactly why you’re awesome? How would it change the way you approach your dating life? 

You are brilliant. 

You are amazing. 

It’s time to unapologetically build your dating life.

Here’s a breakdown of today’s episode:

  • We explore the question, “What do you love about yourself that is independent of what others think about you?”

  • Owning who you are and what is beneath your brag.

  • Giving yourself permission to be weird in your dating.

  • Why it’s hard to be the leading lady in your life and showing up unapologetically. 

  • I address the question, “How do I brag without seeming cocky?” 

  • How to love yourself after a narcissistic relationship.

  • Trusting yourself to brag and figuring out what to celebrate. 

Here Are The Links & Resources Mentioned In Today’s Episode:

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37. The “What’s Going Well” Trick


35. Some quick encouragement