30. How to use improv rules to spark joy in your dating life

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Did you know that improv comedy is similar to your dating life? Well, this week I am going to share some of the lessons I learned from my improv days and how they can apply to how you can date in a powerful way. Get ready because these improv rules have the potential to add more joy and fulfillment than you thought possible in your dating life.

Here’s a breakdown of today’s episode:

  • How to incorporate the improv lesson of “Yes, And,” into your life.

  • Why deep listening is so important on a date. Be present, be there, and have fun.

  • Taking up space, plus believing you are worthy of being on the date. 

  • What it means to play to the top of your intelligence.

Here Are The Links & Resources Mentioned In Today’s Episode:

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31. Fear you’re a dating cliche? This is for you.


29. Creating a comparison-free dating life