31. Fear you’re a dating cliche? This is for you.

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“I can’t believe I’m single and talking to a dating coach. I don’t want to be a cliche.” That’s a phrase I’ve been hearing a lot from my clients, lately. If that sounds like you, then this week we dig into why you are not a cliche for seeking help for your dating life. 

In this episode, I uncover some of the reasons why you are feeling this way, I shed light on the patriarchal dating tropes which may be keeping you stuck, and offer some mindset shifts to help you move forward with power and confidence. 

Here’s a breakdown of today’s episode:

  • Take a moment to acknowledge what is beneath feeling like a cliche. 

  • Dating cliches aka tropes and how living in a patriarchal society women’s value is determined by whether or not she’s married to a cis-man.

  • Expressing your desires to find success in your romantic life.

  • How the landscape and paradigm of dating has completely changed. Why WOULDN’T you get help with your dating life? 

  • Why self-compassion is needed when doing this deep work.

  • Yes, you still get to be your badass independent self AND want a relationship.

Here Are The Links & Resources Mentioned In Today’s Episode:

Subscribe to The Date Brazen Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Stitcher!


Bonus: Why dating is so f*cking hard (and what to do about it).


30. How to use improv rules to spark joy in your dating life