29. Creating a comparison-free dating life

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One of the biggest energy drains is comparison and the patriarchy; especially when it comes to your dating and love life. Last week, I talked about self-compassion. Today I’m going to build on that, and discuss how to create a comparison-free dating life! 

You might be feeling comparison creep in when you see your friends in a relationship. Or when one of your friends is “great” at dating and you can’t seem to find a great date.  In this episode, I break down the ways in which comparison can show up in dating, help you to become your own comparison detective, and offer some key strategies so you can kick comparison to the curb.  My hope is that you will emerge from these comparative thought patterns and step into the life you desire. 

Here’s a breakdown of today’s episode:

  • What comparison is and how it can show up in your dating life.

  • How to take inventory of the comparison thoughts rolling around in your head and become a detective.

  • Looking at the root cause of your comparison, which can include the patriarchy. 

  • My steps to work through comparison and step into your confidence.

Here Are The Links & Resources Mentioned In Today’s Episode:

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30. How to use improv rules to spark joy in your dating life


28. Build your dating confidence with self-compassion