60. Bless and Release: How to make room for the “Hell, Yes!” people in your life


This week I am responding to a listener’s email, let’s call this listener Jen. Jen recently wrote in asking how to reply to men who text or call to “check-in”, AFTER they have broken up with her. Here’s an excerpt from her email: 

“I don't want to be someone's backburner chick. I want to be a Number 1 gal! So what should I do in this situation--is ghosting appropriate (is it even ghosting)? Or does your "clarity is kindness" mantra mean that I should respond directly letting them know that I don't wish to stay in contact as a romantic partner or friend?”

Here’s the thing, you (and Jen) get to be someone’s number one. You get to be in a relationship with someone who admires you much as you admire them. You are worthy of all the things that are a, “Yes!” for you. 

In this episode, I break down a simple bless and release method that will help Jen (and listeners out there who need to hear it!) live into her, “Yes!” When you can set a boundary, bless and release; you make more room for people in your life who are a “Hell, yes!” to you. 

Here’s a breakdown of today’s episode:

  • A reminder to recognize that all of your feelings are valid.

  • Be reflective: What did you hope for your dating life at the end of COVID?

  • Your job in this is to practice self-compassion.

  • Take inventory of the emotional labor you are doing for other humans who you are not in a relationship with.

  • Sitting on your throne of worthiness.

  • Celebrate boundaried action!

Here Are The Links & Resources Mentioned In Today’s Episode:

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61. Cultivating a mindfulness practice for your dating life with Upasna Gautam


59. How to own your story and create a different ending