218. How to build main character identity (and stop being the "best friend")


Playing the sidekick in your own life? Not it. Step into your power, claim your main character identity and start making bold moves today. Why not you? Lily is dishing all about main character energy—what it is, what happens when you're not living in it, and how to level up and claim your spotlight.

We’ve all been there—shrinking our desires because we fear being "too much" or worried about rejection. Or maybe you’re in that “good enough” life rut: a good job, good friends, good vacations... but deep down, you know you’re ready for great. This episode is all about ditching the people-pleasing and stepping into your main character era.

You’ll learn:

  • What it really means to not be in main character energy

  • The three essential main character skills: permission, self-trust, and massive messy action

  • How to stop sidelining your needs and start taking up space

  • Practical tips on how to use 10 seconds of courage to build that main character muscle

It’s not about being perfect. Even main characters make mistakes—but they’ve got the tools to get back up. So, give yourself permission to be a little messy and start owning your story today.

Applications are open for the Main Character Life Mastermind!
140. My bless and release strategy for letting go
216. Stop overthinking your love life decisions (and how to actually trust yourself)

Show transcript:

[00:00:00] Lily: Hey, gorgeous friends. Welcome to another episode of the Date Brazen podcast. I'm so glad that you are here. If you're listening to this before on or before October 18th, 2024, then applications to my six month proven gorgeous mastermind main character life are now open. So inside of main character life, you are going to complete a life changing main character project by building rock solid self trust and releasing people pleasing.

[00:00:30] The effect is that you will be the main character of your whole fucking life inside. You get weekly group coaching, you get daily coaching in slack, you get a friendship building hub, you get main character one on one coaching, uh, from me and the coaching team. And it is a life changing container. So if you've been listening to the podcast episodes the last few weeks and thinking, Oh my God, this could be for me.

[00:00:53] Oh my God. Do I want to take this leap into my main main character energy with Lily and this warm [00:01:00] buttery coven of cheerleaders, then you need to apply. Right now, go to the link in the description of this episode and apply for the mastermind. The applications do close on October 18th. And, uh, I also will be taking sales calls with folks who are a good fit after filling out that application.

[00:01:17] Go to the link in the description, get your application in. The questions on that application alone will increase your main character energy. This program is going to make the most epic season of your life inevitable.

[00:01:35] Hey, I'm Lily Womble, former top matchmaker and founder of Date Brazen. After setting up hundreds, I realized that with coaching, women could match themselves better than anyone else ever could. With my unconventional feminist approach, I've helped women around the world build courageous and self trust filled love lives.

[00:01:50] And now I'm here to support you get ready. Cause I'm about to share the exact steps you need to attract a soul quenching partnership and feel amazing about yourself along the way. [00:02:00] This is the Date Brazen podcast. Today's episode is all about building main character identity in your life. What it means not to be a main character energy and then how to build main character energy, how to build main character identity.

[00:02:15] So main character energy, really, I think about the movie, the holiday, you know, I think about the movie, the holiday. And I think about that conversation that Kate Winslet has at that dinner table with that older gentleman who was a script writer. I do not remember his name, but he basically says like, You're amazing.

[00:02:31] You're stunning. Like you're the main character, but you're acting like the best friend. And that's one of my favorite movies. And I draw so much inspiration from, uh, film and television specifically, like a handful of references. You can hear me quoting all the time that it's not mysterious. The holiday parks and recreation, Gilmore girls, uh, the office sometimes in my personal life, but, but I digress, you know, um, this holiday moment really hit [00:03:00] home for me.

[00:03:00] And was just this defining, um, defining moment in media for something that I see every single day. And I saw in my own life, right? This tendency that I used to have, and that I see my clients struggling with every single day, maybe in their dating life, maybe in other parts of their life as well, to shrink.

[00:03:19] Being the best friend, if we take media and film as an example, literally means less airtime. Less screen time. And the only time you see the best friend, generally, uh, unless that best friend has been a character arc later on in the season. Let's take Lane in Gilmore Girls, for example. You don't see Lane in Gilmore Girls without Rory, her best friend, the main character, until much later on in the series.

[00:03:44] Now, there are exceptions, but the general rule is the best friend character exists to service the main character. You might have seen this in your life as the single one. [00:04:00] Your friends are coupled, maybe they have kids, maybe you're the only single one left in your circle, and you feel like you're showing up in their lives as this, like, guest character, this, like, best friend.

[00:04:10] best friend character that exists to love on their kids and love on them and, and talk them through their issues. And there's nothing wrong with playing that role in somebody else's life. The problem comes in when you struggle coming back into your life, being the main character, and instead you default to caregiving, people pleasing, exerting all of your energy, taking care of other people, instead of asking for what you want.

[00:04:40] Before main character energy, you might be shrinking your wants because you think they're too much for other people. They don't have time. Oh, they're going through so much. I don't know. Shrinking your needs, playing the best friend. You're afraid to upset someone by asking for what you want because of the paralyzing fear of being left, being [00:05:00] rejected, or being judged.

[00:05:02] The best friend character, if she were to I think about the show, Kevin Can Fuck Himself. I haven't seen it, but I have seen the trailer. Famous last words. Uh, no, it's very much like I read an article. I read a title of an article. No, but this, this show, Kevin Can Fuck Himself is these two worlds, you know, and it's Annie from, uh, from Schitt's Creek is how I know her.

[00:05:25] She's brilliant. So in the show, Kevin Can Fuck Himself, she lives two lives. She's got this like sitcom life where she's like the wife of this man. And who's terrible. And it's like, LOL, funny. Like, she's doing laundry. Typical, like women's stuff, whatever. And then she goes into like the kitchen and it goes to this like dark shattered reality where it's like this gritty drama.

[00:05:48] And if in Gilmore girls, Lane was to stage a coup. The best friend character was to stage a coup in order to become the main character of the series, the series [00:06:00] would break. It wouldn't allow her to be the main character. And some of y'all are living out here, living in best friend identity instead of main character identity, thinking that asserting yourself Asking for what you want, setting the boundary, acknowledging what you want, even at a base level, will break the show.

[00:06:20] Because your life, before now, might have been crafted around the assumption that you need to be small in order to belong. Maybe you have friends that are not the friends that you ultimately want, who make you feel like you need to stay small in order to belong. Don't ask for so much. Don't set that boundary.

[00:06:39] Don't ask us to stop complaining. Don't ask us what's bringing us joy. What a weird question. If that's your friend group, we need to talk, okay? Maybe that's not your friend group. Maybe your friend group is amazing, but you feel like, oh my god I can't ask him that because then like I'll just disrupt the status quo.

[00:06:53] So what? Maybe in your love life You've been in a situation chip that you know, you have to shrink in in order [00:07:00] to belong like I did I was in this situation, Jip, where I knew that had I asserted my needs and set a boundary and been willing, had I been willing to let it go if the boundary wasn't met or the expectation wasn't met of regular communication, like base level shit, I knew that I would lose that relationship.

[00:07:21] So I defaulted to Being the best friend character in my life in that relationship by sidelining my own needs in order to keep that relationship. So, uh, you know, being the best friend also means settling for good enough, good enough job, good enough friendships, good enough vacations. Good enough dates, good enough situationship, good enough relationship, and you probably know deep down because you're listening to this episode that you're in a rut and that you don't want a good enough life anymore.

[00:07:54] You want a great life, but how do you get there? That's why you're listening to this episode, okay? So that's [00:08:00] before building main character energy. That's before building main character identity. Okay, so let's just level set, you're the main character of your story. This doesn't mean that your needs are more important than everyone else's in the world.

[00:08:15] It does mean that they're just as important though. And it also means as you are you. A human listening to this, watching this, whatever. You're the only one who can really meet your needs because you're the only one who can acknowledge them and ask for them. Nobody's a mind reader. You're the only one who can get your needs met by building the right relationships, building the skill of self advocacy, building the skill of self permission, building the skill of self trust.

[00:08:43] Your needs, main characters know that their needs are just as important as other people's and that they are in charge of getting their needs met. Main characters know that It's okay to make mistakes. It's going to happen. It actually moves the plot forward. We think about [00:09:00] Rory's mistakes in Gilmore Girls.

[00:09:02] Now, there are some mistakes that we could do a different podcast about to talk about Rory's mistakes. Sleeping with Dean when he was married. Mistake. No, thank you. No, no, no. Dean making the decision to sleep with Rory when he was married. No. Oh, no. Mistake. And. Making a mistake. Even though, ooh God, wouldn't have chosen that, wouldn't recommend it.

[00:09:30] I have not cheated. I have not slept with my high school boyfriend who was cheating on his wife. I've not done that. Nor will I. And I've done things that I wouldn't do again. I've made mistakes. Main characters know that it's a part of life, that I'm gonna make mistakes, and they move through it. Big feelings come up, they have a conversation, they get support, hopefully.

[00:09:53] Uh, they, they know that they're human, and nothing in life, by making a mistake, they haven't fucked up the [00:10:00] show. You know what I'm saying? Now, with Rory and Dean, arguable, arguable to their schools of thought, that again, we're not, that's not this podcast, Lily, Lily, Lily, calm down. That's not this podcast.

[00:10:13] But main characters know that mistakes happen. And uh, They have somebody in their life in the show who's like, mistakes happen, and you don't have to let this define you. Like, we move forward, right? Main characters know that when something goes wrong, they know that they're gonna freak out, like it's a part of it, and they have a toolbox, or in the show, or in the movie, they build a toolbox to have their own back, right?

[00:10:39] The, the movie is an arc, the, the, the show is an arc, so they may not come in knowing how to have their own back, how to care for themselves, how to make different decisions next time, but main characters build that shit. Main characters. are not afraid to celebrate their themselves or brag on themselves.

[00:10:56] Now, again, that's a skill that is built. Main [00:11:00] characters can stand in what they're proud of, and what they are worthy of, and who they are. They stand in what they've been able to create and who they are and like what, you know, like main characters own that shit. Main characters shoot their shot often.

[00:11:17] This is all play anyway. Main characters build up the courage to shoot their shot. It's all play. This is all made up. Right? There's a writer's room in Gilmore Girls writing the main character arcs, writing in everything. This is your life. You get to be in that writer's room. And you, and main characters shoot their shot.

[00:11:37] Period. Main characters do ten seconds of courage. That's literally all it takes. To be the main character of your life and to do epic shit is 10 seconds of courage, 10 seconds of courage. So I want to point out, um, two examples of 10 seconds of courage that changed my life and then changed somebody else's life.

[00:11:58] So in thinking [00:12:00] about this episode and in thinking about writing about main character energy in my book and my mastermind main character life, I really sat down and did some journaling on it. Of in my life and in my client's lives, who's done, who've done the most epic shit, ask for big raises, gotten the most incredible grants, gotten tens of thousands of dollars in grant funding in just one month because they were audacious enough to ask for it.

[00:12:24] Um, for their new business, starting a new business, quitting their soul sucking job and getting a new one that was on a schedule by their own design. Um, building a new core group of friends that was reciprocal as hell, setting a boundary with their mom or their boss, um, for the first time in their lives.

[00:12:40] Shooting their shot with a cutie and starting an amazing romantic relationship because of that 10 seconds of courage to do that, right? These epic things, me starting my business and like getting a book deal and meeting Chris and building a relationship like we have that is so reciprocal and joyful.

[00:12:58] How did that all happen? Okay. [00:13:00] So I sort of backtracked all of it. I was like, what is the, the line through the through line in all of this? And I identified that this is main character energy, right? It's the three skills. It's permission, self trust and massive messy action. And then to take massive messy action as the third scale and break it down even further, because y'all know I'm type A, I love to break this shit down.

[00:13:21] What does massive messy action take? What does that require? And then I broke it. I thought about it. Okay. I was like, it really. If we're breaking it down to its simplest form, it only takes 10 seconds of courage. Now you might want to vomit on the front and back end of that 10 seconds. You might want to pass out.

[00:13:40] You might want to run away, but all it takes, all it takes to do epic shit. With main character energy is 10 seconds of courage. Now on the front end, permission, self trust, of course, but for the messy action, 10 seconds of courage. So here's 10 seconds of current, an example of 10 seconds of courage from [00:14:00] me and a person that then learned this skill herself.

[00:14:04] I was a matchmaker and I was burnt out, totally burnt out, totally like at the end of my rope and I had had This, I had been researching, I had seen online, I think, Gilmore Girls Fan Fest was in its second year at the time, I hadn't gone yet, and I was desperate to go. I was so sad to not go, because I didn't really think I had the money, nor did I have the time to take off work, to do these, this thing just for my pleasure and joy, I was like, Why would I do that?

[00:14:37] That's silly. I don't have the time. I don't have the money. I don't have the energy. I have to work. I have to make more money. I have to figure this out. I have to matchmake. I have so many dates to get out the door. That was the language we used. I get the dates out the door. But I was with my boss at the time, who to her credit, such an encouraging person, and she saw how burnt out I was.

[00:14:57] Like burnt out to a crisp [00:15:00] and she stopped me and sometimes main character energy requires some intervention from people that care about you, right? So she stopped me and she was like Lily, you're not you're not gonna you're not gonna make it like this. What's going on? And I told her I'm burnt out. I'm exhausted I'm having some really dark thoughts about what's next and like I I don't know what's next for me And I feel like I I feel like just everything's kind of hopeless And, uh, she was like, you need to do something that brings you joy this weekend.

[00:15:33] I think it was like a Thursday or Wednesday even. You need to do something that brings you joy now. This is not a, she was very direct with me. She was like, this is not a question. It's a demand. You need to do something that brings you joy right now. Like, you need to figure that out right now, because this is, this burnout is not gonna, not gonna get you anywhere.

[00:15:54] And you need to do it, and you need to give yourself permission to do it. I was like, oh, oh, well, I do know that Gilmore Girls [00:16:00] Fan Fest is this weekend. This weekend is Gilmore Girls FanFest and she was like but it's and I said, but it's silly and it's weird And I don't know I'm obsessed with Gilmore Girls.

[00:16:09] I have been for decades, but I don't know She's like you need to stop you need to do it It took 10 seconds for her to interrupt my burnout pattern It took 10 seconds for me to give myself the permission Gilmore Girls FanFest it is It took 10 seconds to get on my little keyboard, click, clack, click, clack, find out info about the accommodations and the festival.

[00:16:34] 10 seconds, look in my bank account, see, okay, I could make this work. 10 seconds calling up the, um, at the, at the time there was this accommodation site that was sort of like, um, dirty dancing, like a campground. I called and there was one more bed available in a cabin of strangers. And I was like, I'll take it.

[00:16:55] 10 seconds to call. The call lasted longer than 10 seconds, but [00:17:00] I took it. And then I, I didn't know how to get there. So I looked up, okay, let's go train schedule. Okay. I'm going to take a train from New York city. And I got on the fucking train full of joy. I went to Michael's the night before

[00:17:16] and I bought materials to make my costume. Because I, it was so joyful, I'm like crying. I made a t shirt that said I love Jess. Now, I wasn't, um, familiar with iron ons at the time. This is just color for the story, y'all. I wasn't familiar with iron ons at the time, so I bought iron on materials to do I love Jess.

[00:17:38] And I did the E of Jess backwards. Again, unfamiliar with iron ons. And, and also a little bit, this is a little, um, silly moment, did the E backwards of Jess. I was like, I'm so embarrassed. I cannot show up to Gilmore Girls FanFest with a Jess with an E backwards. So I ended up making a little heart of like little scraps of other iron ons and make the [00:18:00] E a heart.

[00:18:00] So it was like, Just the E was a heart. It was ridiculous. And then I did my little costume for the night before. I was like ironing on shit and like it was hilarious and so joyful and silly and just like effervescent. My main character energy started blooming and blossoming. The burnout because of this decision to do the 10 seconds of courage because of the encouragement From somebody else who saw me to do the 10 Seconds of Courage.

[00:18:32] Joy is connective and I was living in my joy, baby. I was, I was doing my dream at the time. And my costume was, um, from season five, Lorelei's all special, all me alone place or something. I dressed literally as the room that she decorates. It's very meta, like deep cut. And only the, the fans of the, the, only the, the cream of the crop fans knew what I was.

[00:18:54] And that, that was a thrill for me. And I show up to Gilmore Girls Fan Fest and again, I get on the train [00:19:00] and, or I hadn't shown up yet. I get on the train and I didn't know how I was going to get from the train to the campsite because there was no Uber in the small town that we were in, Connecticut. I'm sure that I could have waited like two hours for a cab, but this town had 1500 people coming for this fan fest.

[00:19:15] There was no, like the, the, the resources were stretched thin. There was not like accessible Uber. And I made friends on the train with other people going to the fest because it was obvious who we were. We ended up meeting and befriending a local antique dealer who was adorable and wonderful and gave me and like five other Gilmore Girls Fan Fest attendees a ride to the campsite.

[00:19:40] We did take a picture of that person's license plate and did text it to our loved ones beforehand and we felt it out together. It was good vibes. It was like Bridges of Madison County. We were going through this gorgeous like autumnal paradise and I was just like, Oh my god, my joy, joy is life [00:20:00] changing, main character energy is life changing, and then I had the best weekend of my life, ever, at Gilmore Girls FanFest, because of main character energy and joy.

[00:20:11] Ten seconds of courage was all it took to get me to where over the hump of doing that thing that changed my life. What happened next year is that I decided to go again, and I felt confident. I had made friends the year before. We were going to meet up at the festival. It was so joyful. And I go, and I sang karaoke.

[00:20:31] I was really good. I sang I Will Always Love You, the Dolly Parton version, because I believe in season seven. I don't really watch the later seasons for, I think, obvious reasons, but I'm trying to plow through it again. Right now. But I think it was season seven, Lorelai sings, and I will always love you.

[00:20:51] And I sing that it was so joyful and fun. This is the 10 seconds, how 10 seconds of courage changed someone else's life or how I sort of broke down like, Oh, that's all it is. This [00:21:00] woman came up to me. After I sang and it was just so fun at this karaoke bar at Gilmore Girls Fan Fest, she came up to me and said, Hey, I don't know you, but you look like you had a lot of fun up there.

[00:21:15] And she was like shaking like a leaf. And I probably have told this story before on the podcast, but I don't remember when, so I'm just plunging ahead. She was shaking and she said, I don't know you, um, but I have always wanted to do karaoke. And I've been too afraid to do it. So will you go up there and do it with me?

[00:21:34] Again, didn't know me, had never done karaoke, and I looked at her and I said, it would be my honor to do karaoke with you for the first time. And it was a big stage with a lot of people out there. It wasn't a typical karaoke bar. It was in this like event venue thing. And we went up to the stage again, she was shaking like a leaf.

[00:21:53] She chose waving through a window, and I got to. Stand there [00:22:00] and witness her 10 seconds of courage, of, I want to do this, let me get support to do this, let's do this, even though I'm shaking, even though I probably want, she probably wanted to vomit, and she start, we started singing together, on the outside, always looking in, we're like, I ended up noticing that she was Like stepping forward onto a bigger stage into center stage, downstage center stage.

[00:22:25] And I ended up removing myself and going to the side and only singing harmony on the, on the chorus. And, and the DJ was really into it as well. And he knew the words and the harmonies as well. So they ended up doing three part harmony, uh, on the course and let this woman take up space in front of us who had never done it before.

[00:22:43] And the crowd cheered and erupted with. Cheers. Afterward. And I just saw 10 seconds of courage at work. This is shooting your shot. This is all it takes that this is asking to do the thing. Even though you're scared to do it. This is doing it scared. This is the thought. Why [00:23:00] not me? I just want you to take these examples and I want to galvanize you with them.

[00:23:06] I have 10 examples of what you can do with 10 seconds of courage today to start stepping into main character identity. The main character believes why not me. The main character believes why not me. The main character believes I'm worthy of being here. I'm worthy of taking up space. The main character says, why not me?

[00:23:31] And then the main character, right? Gives themselves permission to want what they want. Trust that it's going to be okay because they have their own back with all of the nervous system care that they get to do, like the, that I, that I teach on this podcast, all the self compassion and all that shit. And then they take 10 seconds of courage.

[00:23:47] So here are 10 examples of 10 seconds of courage that you can do today. And I really want you to pick one and do it, if not more than one. So, from the thought, why not me, I hope that inspires the [00:24:00] feeling of, the feeling of joy, or the feeling of possibility, or the feeling of hope. And I categorized these ten into three subcategories, right?

[00:24:09] Um, there are a few for each. So self care, you can stop working. Go for a walk. Notice 10 things that bring you awe or joy on your walk. That's one thing that you could do as the main character. 10 seconds of courage to like really have your own back and like bring in some peace today. Bring in some awe today.

[00:24:27] You could lay on the floor. Something a main character could do. Shut their computer, lay on the floor. Um, you could do a self compassion meditation. That will really help. Proven to reduce cortisol and increase resilience. Main characters do that shit. Uh, the category belonging. You could text a friend that you need support.

[00:24:42] Send out a bat signal right now. Don't do this shit alone. Text a friend. Hey, I really could use a phone call. Can you chat tonight or tomorrow morning if you need that. You could also text your therapist. Your therapist probably is like, text me if you need me. If you need help, if you need support, if you need encouragement, [00:25:00] text, reach out.

[00:25:01] 10 seconds of courage. Or if you're not seeing a therapist and you've wanted to go to Psychology Today, right now, and do a little searchy search in your area. Look for somebody who resonates with you. Book a consult. Okay? And the last category of 10 seconds of courage is shooting your shot. So here are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 options for that.

[00:25:18] I've done 5 for self care and belonging. Here's shooting your shot examples. Take them, run with them. 10 seconds of courage. All it takes. And vomiting, wanting to vomit or wanting to pass out is part of the game. Do it scared. It, it, you will be okay, especially if you have the skill of self compassion on the other end.

[00:25:35] Text that cutie and ask them out. 10 seconds is all it'll take. Ask for clarity with that person that you're seeing. If you've been feeling confused or like, do they like me? Do they want to be exclusive? Ask for clarity. 10 seconds of courage. You can't say the wrong thing to the right person. Number three, take your friend up on that setup.

[00:25:50] You could tell your friend that you want to be set up with that cutie that you met at her party three weeks ago. Okay. Shoot your shot. 10 seconds of courage. You could bless and release a situation ship that isn't [00:26:00] right. You know it isn't right. If you need help tuning in with self trust, listen to episode 216, you could bless and release them.

[00:26:06] I also have an episode on how to bless and release. Just type in bless and release on date, uh, and date brazen podcast on Google and you'll find it. Bless and release the situation ship. 10 seconds of courage. You need to bless and release the people that aren't aligned with your main character energy.

[00:26:20] Period. Finally, you could DM someone, ask them to be friends, or ask them out on a date if you're attracted. You can't say the wrong thing to the right person. Shoot. Your. Fucking. Shot. With 10 seconds of courage. All it takes is the thought, why not me? Hopefully that inspires a little feeling of possibility.

[00:26:40] And then ten seconds of courage. That's all it takes. You're giving yourself permission to be the main character imperfectly. You're in progress of being the main character. You're giving yourself permission to do that shit. You're giving yourself The skill, the practice of self trust by saying, no matter what happens, I have my own back.

[00:26:59] When I trust [00:27:00] myself, I'm doing the right thing. I may not know exactly what's going to happen and no matter what, I have my back. Self trust land. Okay. Then the third and final skill, main character energy, that's to shoot your shot. Ten seconds of courage. This creates the identity of a main character.

[00:27:15] You're no longer going to be the best friend. You're going to be centering your own needs and wants. You're going to be asking for what you want, and the right people are going to show up with you. Again, there's this fallacy running around that I was raised amongst as well, that taking up space takes light away or space away from others.

[00:27:32] That's BS. Bullshit. If you're bringing, if you're asking other specifically, let's talk about like celebrating yourself, celebrating yourself. Brazen bragging is not about stuck in the air, out of the room. It's about bringing people along with you and celebrating yourself along with others, right? Hey, here's what I'm proud of about myself.

[00:27:50] What are you proud of? It's about, um, encouraging your friends to be the main character of their life too. As much as you're comfortable. It's about. building friendships in which you actively [00:28:00] celebrate and support one another in a reciprocal way instead of needing to dim your light in order for someone else's to shine or vice versa.

[00:28:08] Main character energy is about co creating the right relationships, the right support, the right epic action. And you've got this. So let me know after listening to this episode, what epic 10 seconds of courage action are you going to take? DM me on Instagram at date brazen. And if you liked this episode, then you are going to fricking be obsessed with my mastermind main character life, which is my six month mastermind where you're going to complete a life changing main character project by releasing people pleasing, building rock solid self trust, and becoming the main character of your whole fucking life in six months.

[00:28:43] Okay? It's going to usher in the most epic season of your love life and your life in general. Members of the past have built core groups of friends with this mastermind. They have, uh, created opportunities that At work that they didn't have before they have asked for a year long sabbaticals and received [00:29:00] them that they never thought they could do or get before they have quit their soul sucking job with confidence and found other jobs that are more aligned and have a schedule on their terms.

[00:29:09] They have attracted the loves of their lives. They have done it. dated with main character energy and shot their shot every single day. The possibilities are endless inside of this container with what you will create and co create with your main character energy. When you have the accountability, the support, and the coaching to take massive messy action This To trust yourself to give yourself permission to be the main character.

[00:29:32] Can't wait to see you inside applications are open until October 18th, 2024, and we have a very limited amount of spots so we can go deep. So if you are interested, go to the link in the description of this episode and apply right now. And I will be taking sales calls with folks who are a good fit to see if this is the right next step for you.

[00:29:52] So let's fucking go. I can't wait to talk to you soon and I will see you next week. [00:30:00] Bye


BONUS: From paralyzed to launching her dream business with Mastermind client, Laura