Learn how to attract the right partner with a joyful-as-fuck dating life

A 12 month group coaching program for feminist humans

So, you're a feminist badass human.
That's a given.

And you also want to find a feminist, emotionally intelligent, hot partner.

But dating feels like the ONE place that is still "unfigureoutable" and out of alignment with your power and awesomeness.

I've got your back.

How I went from “late bloomer” to the main character who attracted the love of my life

8 years ago, I was a top professional matchmaker, setting up hundreds, and was also in a toxic romantic relationship. I felt completely lost. Shoving my needs into a box. Unsure if more was possible for me.

I looked around for help. My therapist hadn't dated in 30 years, my friends just told me to download another dating app, and I wanted something deeper than a setup. That's when I started looking beneath the surface of my checklist, why I was ok accepting so little, and how my mindset was holding me back from accepting more, this process started transforming my life.

I was my first client.

With this process that now is Main Character Dating, starting feeling confident, joyful, and flirty as hell in my dating life. And ultimately, this process is what attracted my husband, Chris.

After coaching hundreds of women to build dating lives that feel like an act of self-care, I know creating the expansive, joyful, and courage-filled love life you desire (including attracting the right person and BEING in the right relationship) means creating a plan of action in your dating life that feels like coming home.

After joining Main Character Dating, you'll know every single preference, you'll release dating worry as your default, you'll know exactly how to attract the right people for you-- online and in-person, you'll feel peace and confidence in every dating decision you make. And the right relationship will follow.


You’re looking for an emotionally intelligent AND hot partner...

but after years of dating (or after not dating and feeling like a “late bloomer”) you’re doubtful that the relationship you want exists.

You want your love life to be settle-proof and joyful…

but after downloading and deleting dating apps, pushing yourself to try “everything”, dating still feels existentially exhausting and hopeless.

You want to be the main character of your dating life....

but after being told you’re “too picky” and “you’re too much,” after being “the only single friend” in your group, you end up shrinking your needs and feeling like the “best friend” instead.

You want to attract the right dates (and relationship) with ease

but after years of feeling paralyzed to start, or after being in the wrong relationship again and again, self-doubt, self-blame, panic, and have become your dating status quo.

Imagine what it would look like if...

You felt confident AF in yourself, your preferences, and your dating strategy. Even if you've never dated before or if you've just gotten out of the wrong relationship. 

You settle-proofed your dating life, blessing and releasing everyone who is wrong with ease and no mind drama.

You felt like the main character of your love life and unabashedly gave yourself permission to want (and have) EVERYTHING you want. No such thing as wanting "too much."

You attracted the best dates of your life with ease. With a flirty in-person dating life and an unbothered online dating life. 

The answer to attracting the RIGHT partner is centering yourself + building a joyful AF dating life.

Regular Dating

You overthink and doubt every dating decision you make, drenched in fear and scarcity and you attract mediocre dates or emotionally unavailable people again and again.

You feel like a total “Late Bloomer” and worry that something is “wrong with you” for not having found love yet.

You stay with the wrong people way too long, doubting what you want and afraid of making a mistake letting go of someone.

You’re the only single person in your friend group, and you feel really lonely and weird for still being single.

Main Character Dating

You are confident in your preferences and every dating decision you make and strategy of a badass main character– you shoot your shot, ask for what you want, and attract joyful dates with ease– online and IRL.

You are surrounded by a coven of cheerleaders who validate you, celebrate you, and do courageous shit with you.

You bless and release the wrong people with ease and without mind drama.

You attract the RIGHT joyful, aligned dates and relationships with ease.



Learn how to attract the right partner with a joyful-as-fuck dating life

A 12 month group coaching program for feminist humans

In this program, you will...


Whether you identify as a "late bloomer" and have been shrinking from dating. Or you've just gotten out of the wrong relationship and are done with settling...

After this, you will no longer shrink from what you want, put up with shit from the wrong people, or blame yourself for being a human with desires.


You will rewrite your love story as the main character. Knowing all your Essence-Based Preferences means that you'll be confident in everything you want and will attract the right, feminist AF people for you. 


With this intentional in-person dating plan, you'll feel confident to unabashedly flirt IRL, you'll ask cuties out often, and joy building will be your norm. 

With such a badass in-person plan, you'll have an unbothered online dating life with a joyful AF dating app strategy.


With our Qualifying and Disqualifying questions strategy, you'll know exactly how to vet potential dates based on your Essence-Based Preferences quickly.

So you never waste a Saturday night (or months in the wrong relationship) again. 


Because of this joyful AF dating strategy, you will attract better dates than you thought possible, bless and release the wrong people without mind drama, and will attract a feminist partner who is excited to build a life with you.

All of this means you'll know not only attract, but BE in the best relationship of your life.

Here's what a joyful AF dating life looks like

“I met a partner who has become such an integral part of my life.

My dating life is like night and day.

He’s serious about maintaining a healthy relationship, communicates well, and treats me like a queen. Now I know that I deserve nothing less for my life.”


“I broke a 15 year pattern of settling and am now going on the best dates of my life.”

"I joined this program because, even though I’d done so much work on the rest of my life, dating was the one place I didn’t feel supported. After this work, I’m now pursuing my joy differently, asking for what I want directly, setting bold boundaries that protect my heart time. I now have amazing, new single friends from this container and a juicy, joyful, in-person dating life that I know will lead to the right people for me."


Main Character Dating Framework

This process has helped over 300 members build a joyful-as-fuck dating life that makes the right relationship inevitable. 

With quick, captioned videos, transcripts, and fillable workbooks, you’ll get results in one hour per week.

Calm Your Freakout (aka Caring for Your Nervous System)


    I’ll teach you a scientifically proven framework to decrease stress and increase resilience– two things that will help you meet the right partner faster inside Main Character Dating.


    With this lesson, the thoughts, "Will I just die alone?" "Is there something wrong with me?" will no longer feel true.


    This lesson will mean no dating freak out takes you out of pursuing your desire. It means that dating goes from feeling like a soul-suck, to an act of self-care.

The Complete Dating Detox


    Release dating scarcity and heal dating burnout for good. This detox makes clients become a magnet for easeful dates.


    Every cousin/co-worker/Tiktok person has an opinion on your dating life. This is where you strip away that noise and get back to creating a plan that actually works for YOU.


    You’ll learn an evidence-based strategy to release dating worry for good and build new, powerful beliefs about your dating life, which will allow you to start attracting the right dates and the right relationship.

Illuminate Deeper Preferences


    You’ll have compassionate breakthroughs on what past scarcity patterns you need to change to attract the right partner next. Whether you've never been in a relationship, or you're just out of the wrong one.


    This one lesson alone will help you vet people within 1-2 messages or just one conversation, on apps and IRL. With Q/D Questions, you will never go on a bad first date again.


    Essence-Based Preferences are the ROOT of your intentional dating strategy. They are exactly what will magnetize the right partner to you. They will revolutionize how you ask for what you want and attract it with ease.

Create Your Joyful AF Dating Strategy


    Time to make dating apps optional! You’ll learn how to confidently attract IRL with these three steps– Joy-Building, Co-Conspirators, and Messy IRL Action.


    You’ll become the confident CEO of the right dating app for you— so you can attract the right dates in less time. Build a joyful, intentional dating profile and build boundaries that will protect your heart time as you attract the best dates for you online.


Reignite Your Dating Life (aka Start Dating!)


    Settle-proof your dating life with this lesson. You’ll learn how to bless and release the wrong people with ease and without mind drama (with our boundary plans, text scripts, and more.)


    After every date, you’ll use this custom spreadsheet built after years of professional matchmaking to sharpen your dating intuition and self-trust. So every date will be better than the last.


    This challenge is how you will build evidence that the right relationship is happening, build hope daily, and become a magnet for the best dates of your life.


WTF to Say Next Guide 

This step-by-step guide has text scripts for everything overwhelming in your dating life to make things easy for you. From blessing and releasing to asking someone out, I’ve got a script for it so you stop overthinking and move forward boldly toward the right relationship.

Post Date Review

After every date you go on, you can fill out your date feedback and get coaching on how to make EVERY date better than the last. Ditch overthinking, we’ll help you build self-trust, bold action, and a magnetic strategy.

With this feature, you’ll make every date better than the last OR know how to take it to the next level with the person you’re dating. 

It will ensure that any relationship you attract will be the RIGHT one for you. 

Preferences Review

One of the first things you’ll do inside Main Character Dating is create your preferences– Essence Based Preferences to be exact– which are the beginning of your most magnetic dating strategy. With this coaching feature, you can submit your Essence Based Preferences and we’ll give coaching, helping you make them as specific and powerful as possible, which will help you attract the right partner faster.

Magnetic Dating Profile Review

We have a personalized JOYFUL AF Dating Profile Review feature, where you submit your profile and get a personalized video back with feedback on how to make the profile totally magnetic with your main character energy– so it attracts the right people and disqualifies the rest. 

Unbothered dating app strategy means you will be the bossy, glamorous CEO of the dating app.

Main Character Dating will give you the exact frameworks, coaching, and community to attract the right partner with a joyful AF dating life as a feminist badass. 

Take a tour of our On-Demand Portal

Before and After
Main Character Dating



  • Just out of a 4 year relationship, she had a ton of anxiety about dating and if it was “too soon” to work on her love life. 

    But she didn’t know how to date and had a ton of anxiety, perfectionism, and fear. And she never wanted to settle again.


  • In Main Character Dating, I became READY to attract the right partner with clear preferences, vetting strategy, and mindset. It was shocking how great this process was. I had the tools. I had the process. I had the confidence and self-compassion.” 

    What I wanted did exist, and now I'm dating him! He's really the essence of everything I was looking for.



  • "Dating was hard. I pushed my feelings and desires down so far I couldn't get to them. 

    I was in a cycle of disappointment that felt very tiring and wasn't getting me anywhere.”


  • “It felt like my heart could be online with my intuition in a way I hadn't experienced before.  

    Through this process, I actually realized I had long repressed that I was gay.  

    I really felt I had so much support through the weekly group meetings and the incredible action plan.

    I got on Hinge, really leaned into what I needed, and then began dating Lynn June 2023!”



  • As one of the only single friends and as a queer woman, it all felt so lonely and hopeless. I was stuck not taking any action."


  • "I’m confidently dating and feeling supported in my love life.

    I’ve made close, single friends in the program, and now we go on travel adventures together! 

    The growth that I've seen in myself and the way that it's changed who I am and all aspects of my life has been totally worth it.

    Now I take action and trust I'll get exactly where I want to go in my love life.”



  • Mishi was stuck in a vicious cycle of attracting emotionally unavailable men, again and again. Dating was the one place she didn’t feel successful.


  • “Taking the time to figure out my essence-based preferences was life changing for me. I met someone halfway through the program, and this man keeps doing my dishes and making my bed when I’m not looking!

    This program helped me figure out and claim everything I desired in a partner, and naming what I desired really did help me find it. 



  • "I Identified as a long-time single lady. That was a core part of my identity. I didn't really start dating until I was about 30. There was a lot of stress around the idea of ‘I just have to keep pushing.’

    I felt I didn't make good decisions about dating, that it was my fault I was single.”


  • Having the permission and the framework of this program helped me build the belief that I actually take good care of myself. I make good decisions about things!  I now feel in control, like I can pursue what I want to pursue.”



  • Julianne had been dating for 15 years and was exhausted. Dating was a vicious cycle of false starts, dashed hopes, and fear that what she wanted didn’t exist. 


  • “This program helped me manage my feelings of hopelessness in dating so that even when things felt bleak, I was able to care for myself but still honor my desire for a relationship by putting myself out there. 

    What I wanted did exist, and now I'm dating him! He's really the essence of everything I was looking for.

Our Feminist AF approach works, no matter your sexuality, relationship style, or level of experience dating.

This program works if you’re queer or straight. 

This works if you’re a “late bloomer” or just out of a 10 year relationship. 

This works if you want a fulfilling monogamous or polyamorous relationship. 

Inside this program, we are unapologetically progressive, anti-racist, trans-inclusive, and believe that love is love.

You will learn how to want everything you want boldly and will be so filled with confidence and agency that your love life will be settle-proof. 

Inside Main Character Dating, 

you will learn how to confidently attract the RIGHT partner for you-- one who is excited to build an equitable, sexy, joyful relationship together. 

What’s Included


    A proven, step-by-step, feminist framework that has helped hundreds create joyful-as-fuck dating lives that lead to love.

    With quick, captioned video lessons, fillable workbooks, and Type-A checklists so you can make quick progress toward the best relationship of your life.


    You log onto Zoom for our hour-long group coaching call and are welcomed by a joyful dance party. You’ll share a brag in the chat (our customary start) and fellow members will LIGHT up the chat to celebrate you.

    If you want 1:1 coaching, all you have to do is raise your virtual hand.

    All sessions are recorded and put in your portal.


    We give daily coaching in our private Slack channel. When you're stuck in scarcity and you’re having trouble trusting yourself, when you’re feeling lonely and want community, when you want to celebrate your wins…

    Come to our Slack Channel to get coaching, community, and celebration. Every day.


Live Call Replays + Private Podcast

Pre and Post Date Meditations

WTF to Say Next Guide

→ Essence-Based Preferences Review

→ Dating Profile Review

→ Post-Date Review

Main Character Dating Brags

Here’s what Main Character Dating will look and feel like: 

You take up space with your desires. You know what you want and ask for it with confidence. 

Your dating life is finally in alignment with the rest of your badass life.

You trust the shit out of every dating decision you make, whether to Bless and Release or build a new, awesome relationship.

You set powerful boundaries often, and your time is no longer swallowed up with dating worry and swiping anxiety.

You have a group of new single besties who encourage you, celebrate you, and attract love with main character energy, together.

I want to help you find the best relationship of your life… 

Not just any dusty, crusty relationship. 

Your dating life deserves your attention. 

Not because you are broken (you're not).

But because your desires matters to your well-being.

You deserve a clear path to attracting love as the badass feminist you are.

And that's what you'll get inside Main Character Dating.

The Investment

    • 12-month access to the step-by-step, self-paced Main Character Dating program, videos, and workbooks

    • 12 months of group coaching 3x per month

    • 12 months daily coaching in Slack

    • Bonuses: WTF to Say Next" Guide, 100+ Q/D Questions, Date Feedback System, Brazen Meditations

    • 12-month access to the step-by-step, self-paced Main Character Dating program, videos, and workbooks

    • 12 months of group coaching 3x per month

    • 12 months daily coaching in Slack

    • Bonuses: WTF to Say Next" Guide, 100+ Q/D Questions, Date Feedback System, Brazen Meditations

It’s time to start your Main Character Dating journey!

Dating without Main Character Dating

Going through the exhausting same download/delete cycle with dating apps

You are stuck in Tiktok/IG feeds and friend convos filled with “dating is trash, men/women/people are trash,” and finding love feels hopeless.

You compare yourself to your friends in relationships all the time, feeling behind and “too late”. 

You worry you’re being “too picky,” or that “you’re the problem” in your dating life. 

You’re the “only single friend” in your group, your coupled friends don’t get your dating struggle and give you advice like “it happens when you least expect it.” 

Dating with Main Character Dating

You attract the best dates of your life online and IRL with a joyful, unique action plan

You see evidence every day that what you want is possible because of your Essence Based Preferences and Thank You More Please Challenges. You feel authentically hopeful about your love life.

You are the main character of your love life– taking up all the space with your desires. You know you’re right on time for your love story.

Your preferences and vetting strategy are so strong that you ONLY attract the right dates and never go on a mediocre date again. 

You have a new community of single badasses and a team of expert coaches encouraging you to get pickier, and a room full of single badasses who have your back. 

All your hot questions (and my answers)

  • First of all, it makes sense why you’d have this question. In our patriarchal society, we are constantly told that we "should be working harder, pushing more, figuring it out ALL on our own."

    Gorgeous friend, if you desire support and guidance on your dating journey from an expert like me, then the real question is: How supported can you stand to let yourself be?

    After coaching hundreds, I can say with certainty that there’s nothing “normal” about us. We are fierce, successful, unapologetic, complicated, and beautifully “too much.” If you resonate with this, I hope you'll join us in Main Character Dating.

  • Nope. This program is for femmes, women, and people who resonate with our feminist, unconventional, self-trusting Main Character Dating method of dating.

    If you share these values, you  are welcome here.

  • We are working hard to make sure this experience is accessible to all who feel led to join us. As such, all of the course videos contain captions and transcripts.

    Most of our video lessons are less than 10 minutes long.

    If you have a specific need requirement that isn't met by our current course, please reach out to support@datebrazen.com. We'd love to hear from you to improve this experience for all.

  • All you need is 1 hour per week to get results inside Main Character Dating.

    That’s it.

    Most Main Character Dating clients have busy schedules– we have teachers, single moms, clerks for federal judges, surgeons, and entrepreneurs– All members are the most badass of people who have packed schedules.

    They joined because their desire for the love life of their dreams was greater than their fear of “being too busy.”

    And if you say “My schedule is too hectic!” then I would bet that you’re not prioritizing yourself enough in your calendar.

    Or you’re assuming that dating has to be a soul-sucking part-time job. 

    Your desire for the right relationship deserves your attention, investment, and action. So, stop using your calendar as an excuse not to take action with a proven plan.

  • If you don’t want a romantic relationship–  this program will help you build a joyful as fuck love life on your terms– full of fun dates aligned with your desires, boundaries that make you the main character of your LIFE, and friendships that change the trajectory of your year. 

  • I’m queer. And there are also many queer Main Character Dating members.  

    This space was built differently from the patriarchal, heteronormative, “conventional” dating standard. 

    Inside Main Character Dating, you will be supported in claiming EXACTLY what and who you desire, and attracting them with ease. 

    So, how do we create a brave coaching space for everyone (queer folks especially) inside? 

    ✨Our Community Guidelines✨

    We adhere strictly to our 10 community guidelines, including: 

    → We use inclusive language and introduce ourselves with our gender pronouns in every group coaching call and in Slack. 

    → We reject heteronormative cultural expectations. Including, but not limited to: assuming the gender identity of someone you’re dating, assuming you want monogamy, etc. 

    → We value many paths AND we do not tolerate homophobia, transphobia, racism of any kind. Instances of this behavior will result in a dismissal from Main Character Dating.

    Inside this program, we are serious about creating an environment where the experience of the folks who hold marginalized identities is prioritized.  

    No matter who you love, this program will help you create a dating life that is confident, joyful-as-fuck, and that makes the right relationship inevitable.

  • Members inside Main Character Dating right now range in age from 25 to 63.

    If you think you’re too old, you’re not. 

    If you think you’re too young, you’re not.

    The thought that you’re “too old/too young” is just keeping you stuck from actually getting what you want as soon as possible. 

    After coaching literally hundreds of people through Main Character Dating over the last 7 years, I can tell you that EVERY client is struggling with one of these two core issues: 


    You consider yourself a “late bloomer” and don’t know where to start.


    You’ve been in the wrong relationship(s) and never want to settle again… 

    SO I’ve designed every lesson, workbook, and coaching session to help you easefully overcome these struggle points so you can feel confident as hell in what you want and how to find it.

  • With the strategy we teach inside Main Character Dating, you will attract the kind of feminist, emotionally intelligent human that you didn’t know existed. 


    💎 With our Essence Based Preferences strategy where you'll own EVERYTHING you want.

    🔥 Then with our step-by-step Thank You More Please Challenge where I will coach you on exactly how to gather evidence that the right person exists for YOU. Every single day.

    Those action steps, that courage, PLUS the in person dating plan alone will help you attract more than you thought possible.


And with these new beliefs and action steps, the bonus is that you become a magnet for the best dates of your life. (Even if you've NEVER seen that what you want exists.)

If you’re skeptical about investing in your love life again (or for the first time), know this:

You've never been in THIS program before.

You've never been coached by me before.

You've never had feminist curriculum like this one before.

You’ve never made courageous changes and taken messy, massive action like we do in this room.

You've never experienced the support of the other badass feminist humans in this room.

I’ve had a client recently say that they invested in a manifestation course, coaching, therapy and that NOTHING has helped her dating life like Main Character Dating. 

This shit works, even if nothing else has.
Let’s do this.