#13: How to move on from self-limiting beliefs after a bad relationship

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Today’s episode is all about how you can advocate for your own needs in your dating and love life.

After recording this episode, I definitely had a vulnerability hangover… and I know that it’s worth it. I hope my sharing this story gives you the tools you need to show up for yourself.

My intention here is to help you identify your needs and then ask for them to be met. Let’s do this.

Here’s a breakdown of today’s episode:

  • Toxic relationships can still have a hold on you even after you’ve left them.

  • I had a major ah-ha moment the other day with a friend. I realized that I was still putting other’s needs before my own.

  • Identifying this story allowed me to gain freedom. Once I was aware of what story was beneath the surface, I was able to view my needs as just as important. And therefore get them met.

  • Here’s what I recommend you do: Look in the rear view mirror and identify which stories need to be untangled. Ask yourself, “What would my life look like right now if I put my needs first?” What fears are holding you back from being your most badass self?

  • Untangling self-limiting beliefs is possible. How could untangling bring you freedom?

  • You have full permission to believe that your needs are just as important as another human being’s, and you deserve to have those needs met.

  • If you have fear of running into an ex like I did, it’s smart to create a safety plan. Find out more about that here.

FREEBIE ALERT: new Training!

Join us on Tuesday, May 26 @ 6:30pm est for our next masterclass -

3 Steps to Date Differently & Find Your Person: Emerge from quarantine with a badass dating action plan.

This masterclass will take you from overwhelmed in the apps, to an awesome dating game plan.

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#14: How to build an abundance mindset in your dating life


#12: How being selfish can actually serve others with Kim Grevler