#14: How to build an abundance mindset in your dating life

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On today’s show we’re talking about one of my favorite ways to cultivate an abundance mindset in your dating life.

With everything feeling different right now, the pressure on your dating life might feel a little different, too.

Whether you recognize it or not, the people closest to you have a real impact on whether or not you’re able to build an abundant, powerful dating mindset. 


I invite you to tip the environmental scales in your favor so you can get more abundant. Here are your action steps:

  • List out the five people you talk to most often and write how they feel about dating. 

  • Star those people who have a negative outlook on dating.

  • If you want to feel differently about dating/your future/etc. You gotta make a game plan to shift the balance.

  • Have an intentional conversation with that friend or loved one. Set a boundary. Be gracious. And if you can’t bend the environmental scales in a positive way, I’m right here with this podcast to give you a big dose of positivity. 

  • You need a community of women who have your back in your dating life. Abundance mindset follows.

Here are four mantras that you can and should steal from me to start building that abundance mindset in your dating life:

  1. This is completely figureoutable.

  2. A dating app is NOT the answer to my dating life.

  3. I am the answer to my dating life. I’m uniquely qualified to get exactly what I want. 

  4. I have more power than I think.


There’s still time to join us on Tuesday, May 26 @ 6:30pm est for an exciting masterclass -

3 Steps to Date Differently & Find Your Person: Emerge from quarantine with a badass dating action plan.

This masterclass will take you from overwhelmed in the apps, to an awesome dating game plan.

Here are the links & resources mentioned in today’s episode:

Subscribe to The Date Brazen Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Stitcher!


#15: Our relationship: Ask Lily and Chris anything


#13: How to move on from self-limiting beliefs after a bad relationship