What clients are saying
“I met a partner who has become such an integral part of my life.
After diving in, my dating life is like night and day. I met a partner who has become such an integral part of my life. He’s serious about maintaining a healthy relationship, communicates well, and treats me like a queen. Now I know that I deserve nothing less for my life.” - Maya, Washington, DC
“My dating life was miserable. I felt completely out of control and didn’t know how to give myself permission to want the things that I knew were best for me.
Now I’m more confident in giving myself permission. Permission to bless and release someone who isn’t right for me, permission to want the greatest relationship of my life, permission not to waste my heart time on someone who isn’t kind or just isn’t right for me. I know that I deserve to find the great love I’m looking for, and that it’s okay to move on from someone who just isn’t right.
There’s nothing to be on the fence about with the Brazen Breakthrough. Lily has created a warm, supportive, and brave space for people to figure out how to create a dating life that’s best suited for them. ”
“This work made me value myself.
I was so skeptical to work with Lily. How would success be measured? Could she really help me overcome my insecurities so I really could find someone who was worth it?
I decided to give this a shot because it was clear to me that what I had been doing wasn't working.
Through this program, I’ve had a mindset shift that has taken me from seeing nothing but bad and negative in my dating life, to positivity and gratitude. That is an amazing, smile-inducing feeling.
I value myself so much more than I did before this. Period. I know exactly what I am bringing to the table, and exactly what it would take to feel that I am matched in purpose and intention by the person sitting across from me.”- Zulay, NYC
“This experience is the best money you can spend. Not only does the Brazen Breakthrough help with your dating life, it affects everything. It changes how you think about life and yourself - I’ve become more confident about setting boundaries and asking for what I need in all aspects of my life.”
“Since this experience, I feel as though my entire life has changed!
It helped me to realize just how much control I had over outcomes – whether in dating, life, or work.
I’m now incredibly optimistic, empowered, and confident. I’m so sure that there is a man somewhere out there for me, and I have the tools to make what I want happen. All of this has also propelled me to work on other aspects of my life that give me joy, energy, and pleasure – so I’m confident all around!” - Caitlin, Washington, DC
“I am stronger in owning what I want.
“My dating life was exhausting. I felt like I had to meet so many people on apps just to check and see if there was potential with them. Since The Brazen Breakthrough, I am getting stronger in owning what I want and not being afraid to claim that. Additionally, I am much more intentional about protecting my heart time. - Carissa, San Francisco
“Lily is the reason I’m in the best relationship of my life.
Before working with her, I was going on dates from the apps and not really connecting with people.
While working with Lily, I realized I was looking way too closely at the pictures and didn’t give guys a chance.
The advice she gave me was the reason I went on a date I otherwise wouldn’t have gone on, and it opened me up to this relationship.”- Olivia, NYC
“I learned that I possess the tools necessary to succeed within me – I am in the driver’s seat! I know how to listen to my intuition more when I’m out on a date and overall, I feel less tense about my dating journey.”
“The biggest breakthrough I got early on is if I want something, I need to ask for it; it's so EMPOWERING! I met my current boyfriend at the very beginning of our program. Lily was my guide and helped me grow my relationship stronger.”
- Rourou, New York City
“Before Date Brazen, my dating life was like a rollercoaster ride with some nice highs but with a bunch of burnout-heavy lows. Now, my emotions are more in control. I’m no longer worried that there’s no one out there for me and I feel well-equipped to get back in the dating pool. ”
“Since participating in The Brazen breakthrough, I am now incredibly confident in listening to my intuition and realizing that I’m limitless as a person. I especially ensure I’m not wasting my time and energy on situations that don’t serve me or bring me joy.”
“Since joining, I've become more confident in myself and what I'm looking for.”
I'm simply less anxious about my love life, less attached to dating apps, and feel better equipped and in a better mental state to really go after what I want. I'm finally focusing on what I want, instead of giving weight to what everyone else tells me I "should" want.
It's worth it if you invest in it! The financial obligation may feel scary or like a lot, but you are investing in YOU and, if you're like me and haven't done that in your dating life, it will pay off! - Rachel, Rocklin, CA
“Since joining, I have started a dating relationship and I am having a great time. I am experiencing all the great parts of a new relationship that I never thought was possible.”
“This work gave me a new perspective on how to approach my dating life and helped me feel more in control of what I can control. Now, I rebound faster from dating disappointments and am thinking about dating in a more holistic way as it relates to my life.”
“My dating life is thriving.
Before The Brazen Breakthrough, my dating life was non-existent. I had just been through a difficult break up and had no idea where to even begin.
Whatever reservations I might have had initially were immediately taken away after meeting Lily for the first time. Lily is an incredibly genuine and thoughtful person who can not only relate to what her clients are going through, but has developed proven strategies that can set anyone straight.
She’s not an Instagram archetype. She’s quite the opposite - she's someone who has been there before, someone disarms you with her relatability. Lily knows what she's talking about!
Since completing The Brazen Breakthrough, my dating life is thriving and I am reminded everyday that the best relationship of my life is on its way.” - Alissa, New York City
“I've become more confident in all areas of my life.
After The Brazen Breakthrough, I've become more confident in all areas of my life. I'm able to set boundaries I wasn't able to set before, and I can now clearly express what I need.
I've realized that it is possible for me to have more control over my dating life. Dating is still a hard process. I will never be able to control when or how I meet someone, but I can control how I feel every day. I'm the boss of me, and I'm in charge of my outlook on life, love, dating and joy.”- Amelia, Tennessee
“For the first time in my life, I'm excited about my dating prospects.
Lily has helped me demystify the dating process and to approach it with a much healthier and more optimistic viewpoint. I’m excited about my dating life, rather than dreading the process of trying to meet like minded people.”- Heather, Florida
"I thought working with a dating coach was a crazy idea…
Lily helped me feel safe to open up, courageous in asking for what I want and secure in my dating strategy. She brought a sense of playfulness and pleasure to my dating life, which I didn't know was possible. Working with Lily has done so much for not just my dating life, but my life in general.” - Yuko, New York City