A six month mastermind where you’ll complete a life changing Main Character Project by releasing people pleasing, building rock solid self-trust, and taking risks that pay off big time.

It’s time to take massive risks that actually work out. 

Main Character Life is a 6 month mastermind for feminist humans who are burnt out, feel stuck and want to take a massive risk that pays off.

Your high achieving tendencies have created a pretty awesome life. Except…

You say “Yes” to people, experiences, work commitments and dates

that you know aren’t right for you because you’re afraid if you say no everyone will leave you (cue: exhaustion and burnout)

Your life looks like it’s fabulous from the outside

but inside you feel stuck and yearning for something bigger, you just can't put your finger on what. 

You're exhausted by all the emotional labor

and demands other people put on you and you don't know how to stop this vicious cycle.

You’ve been shrinking away

from what you know you really want because you’re afraid it doesn’t exist.

In six months with us, you can 

Quit your soul sucking job, get in the best relationship of your life, start the business you’ve been dreaming of starting, go after the promotion you know you deserve.

Say “no” to everything that doesn’t serve you without feeling guilty afterwards

Start living your life like you’re the fucking main character, not the best friend.

Learn how to get your loved ones to stop burdening you with more responsibility

Build a community of people who actually want to reciprocate your efforts, not just be a 1 way street.

When you have Main Character Energy it makes extraordinary partnership, friendship, and work life inevitable.

It makes the most pleasurable life a reality.

It makes taking big risks in your life feel easy.

This is your one precious life, it’s time for you to take center stage.

Who is Main Character Life for? 


The one in a soul-sucking job.

She has been climbing the ladder at work for so long, and has gotten raise after raise, promotion after promotion. She's hyper independent, and also secretly really wants to quit, build a business, move across the country, date a hottie. But she’s stuck in the “Shoulds” that sound like, “This SHOULD be my dream job, I should be grateful for what I have, I shouldn’t give this up, my family would be so disappointed.” She desperately wants to follow her desires, but they feel impossible. 


The one who thinks "I’m too much".

She is mega brave– starting her own business, leaving her wrong-fit ex, breaking away from her conservative family, single when all her friends and family are married with their second kid. She is so proud of the life she's created, and she's lonely as fuck a lot of the time. Secretly, she's afraid that she's "too much," afraid she wants "too much," and is close to shutting down her whole romantic life because it's too painful and disappointing. She wants belonging with women who are on the same journey, and wants to truly believe that the equal, sexy, feminist partnership she craves is possible. 


The one who’s waiting for it to just get better.

She's avoiding asking for a raise, avoiding starting that business she's dreamed of for 5 years, avoiding having that conversation with her friend or partner, avoiding dating. She's stuck in the status quo of her corporate job, stringing along a boring situationship or sticking around for a wrong-fit relationship, because it has felt easier than starting from "scratch". She lies awake at night afraid of the big, scary dream she has for herself because they feel so far away. 

The one who’s always taking care of everyone else.


She’s prioritizing the needs of everyone else in her life above her own. After a long day of work, she goes home and offers support to her relative/neighbor/friend/kids. Most nights, she ends up heating up a frozen meal because taking herself out for a meal feels too self-indulgent. Her romantic life has been nonexistent because she's been in a constant state of exhaustion for 10 years. Her friendships feel one-sided because she’s always supporting them… She has finally reached the point where she's ready to take care of herself and her desires, but doesn't know how. 

It’s time to become the main character of your whole life. 

Main Char·ac·ter En·er·gy:


Taking center stage in your own dang life. Owning what you want and asking for it out loud. Approaching cute people with ease. Taking care of yourself with the utmost compassion. YOU are in charge and capable of creating the coolest life imaginable. 

This isn’t some magical thing you’re just born with. Main Character Energy is a skill that you can learn, practice, and own. And when you do you’re whole fucking life will change.

Welcome to our Main Character Life Framework

With a small group of like-minded badasses, here's what we're going to do in this luxurious, nervous-system-resetting, life-changing 6 months:



Untangle patriarchal conditioning that told you to want less. Heal your relationship to what you WANT. Unapologetically step into your power.



Start trusting your gut deeply. Set bold boundaries. Allow yourself to be imperfect and proud of who you are and where you’re going.



This is where we come up with your most POWERFUL Main Character Project based on your permission and self-trust. We’ll help you come up with a step-by-step plan with milestones, a self-celebration strategy and will coach you through any stuckness so you propel yourself forward toward your dream life daily.

We’re going to make bold moves. Not just in your romantic life, in your life in general. Let’s get you in the driver’s seat. 

Some epic Main Character Projects from past clients

Building a core group of friends who reciprocate

Writing a book

Confidently shooting your shot every day in your dating life

Starting a band and writing music

Figuring out how to move across the world

Starting a business

Quitting a soul sucking job

Meet the members who took the biggest risk of their life that paid the fuck off

Jackie left her job, started her consulting business, moved full-time to Europe, attracted sexy dates, and received thousands in grant funding.

“This experience was truly life changing. Now, I use rest as a tool. This program gave me a place to lay down as a an act of love and compassion for myself. And that approximation is a declaration of my liberation.

I'm more and more excited about the prospects on the horizon and the opportunity to participate in my own life story. It's an important and necessary space for women who are growing, transitioning, dreaming bigger things for themselves.”

- Jackie

Laura launched her business, got invited to speak at events, traveled around the world, got her first clients, and trusted herself fully.

“After this program, I feel like I belong to myself. I feel at home in my body and that everything that I want, desire, need, and deserve is within my reach and that I am worth having it all. I feel super strong, calm, and secure within myself. I am able to lean into my dreams and go after what I want. It's such a nice feeling to embody myself.”

- Laura

Christine attracted a sparkly relationship, boldly asked for (and received) executive coaching at work, and made a core group of friends she now travels the world with.

Before joining, I was the best friend character--definitely a supporting character to my besties--but not sure I embodied main character energy in my love life.

Finding a group of like-minded women, in a similar place in life, who are willing to go deep and be vulnerable, is rare. The opportunity to share space with amazing women who value growth, and support your growth, has been transformative. I look forward to long friendships with my cohort.”

- Christine

Diana quit her soul-sucking job, traveled more, celebrated herself more, and created deep friendships

“Joining the Mastermind has been a life-changing experience. Prior to the program, my main character energy was waiting to emerge, lacking guidance and tools. Now, I confidently embody my main character energy. I feel more capable in relationships– friends, family, romantic.”

- Diana

Katie received a luxurious sabbatical at work, built a new group of friends, and shot her shot in dating 100% of the time.

“I feel like a different person. With the Mastermind, I've unpacked some stories and baggage that held me back, that isn't there anymore. I'm feeling so much more comfortable and confident in who I am. I got what I wanted and I didn't have to force it.”

- Katie

Erica quit her teaching job, applied for and got accepted to Romance Con, and became a full time author.

“I was burnt out, and every year felt like the year I would quit. After this Mastermind I've started showing up for my success. I was on the phone with my agent, and she said 'I see you showing up differently.' And I knew my main character energy had changed the trajectory of my life.”

- Erica

The Next 6 Months Will Include:

6 months of weekly group coaching

Six months of intimate group coaching with other badasses who have your back so you can get yourself coached, commit to your transformation, and be surrounded by belonging weekly.

Main Character Life Workbook

Weekly deep dives and self-trust homework so you can understand your complex, beautiful brain, get in-charge of your breakthrough, and see literal, massive growth.

Friendship-Building Hub

A slack channel where you can ask questions, make friends with other members, get an accountability buddy, and brag on yourself.

Virtual Kickoff Retreat

Gather with your fellow Masterminders on Nov 2nd as you build friendship and learn the foundations of Main Character Energy. This will be the most important and powerful Saturday of your year.

Daily Written Main Character Coaching

A slack channel where you can ask questions, get coached between calls. We’re in our slack Mon-Fri to offer real time support

Monthly Personalized Main Character Reviews

Every single month you'll receive a personalized, private video review based on your progress toward your Main Character Life goals and project with what exact actions to take next, and what main character mindset work to do for the next 30 days

I’m Lily, and my mission is to help you take center stage in your own dang life. 

I have helped my clients change their whole lives with the practice of main character energy. 

I remember what it felt like to be completely stuck. 8 years ago, I was a top professional matchmaker, setting up hundreds, and was also in a toxic romantic relationship. I felt completely lost. Shoving my needs into a box. Unsure if more was possible for me.

Questions that kept me up at night: “Was I allowed to ask for what I wanted? (my brain said: “No way.”) Were me and my needs “too much”? (my brain said: “Yep, tone it down.”) Did people-pleasing and perfectionism have to be my default to feel safe??? (my brain said: “100%! Keep us SAFE.”

And my body was desiring more. More for my love life, for my work life, for the friendships in my life. 

And that’s when the practice of main character energy changed everything.

The love of my life, the business I’d always dreamed of, and the deepest friendships I could imagine flowed from the choice to build and live my main character energy. 

After coaching so many through this Mastermind with the same tools that changed my life, I know that creating the expansive, joyful, and courage-filled LIFE you desire means coming home to yourself. It means building and believing your Main Character Energy. 

Here’s what life will look like AFTER Main Character Life…

You’ve completed your Main Character Project and literally can’t believe all that you’ve changed in just 6 months

You’re getting comments from your friends and family about how much happier you seem and more alive you are.

You only say yes to dates, friendships, purchases, commitments that are RIGHT for you and you don’t feel guilty about it. YOU are the main character now and it means your life feels more joyful and aligned than ever before.

There is 100x more play and pleasure and joy in your life, even if you still have responsibilities and a busy schedule. You know what you want, you know you are worthy of it, you ask for what you want, and you are in the practice of receiving. All. The. Time.

The Investment


One time payment of $6,000



6 monthly payments of $1,000

More Main Characters who changed their whole damn lives

“Before joining the Mastermind, I often deferred to others emotionally, neglecting my own needs. But now, I feel incredibly empowered in all aspects of my life, including my love life. I have the tools to ask for what I want confidently. I establish better boundaries and prioritize self-care during difficult situations. I've also noticed a positive shift in attracting the right people and energy into my life.

My favorite part of the Main Character Energy Mastermind was the group dynamic. Witnessing everyone's growth and transformation, and receiving individual coaching from Lily in front of the group felt empowering and safe.”

- Hana

Joining this Mastermind was a transformative experience for me. Before the program, I had glimpses of my Main Character Energy but lacked a clear vision. Now, I have a clearer understanding of my desires and envision a supportive and adventurous love life.

The shifts I’ve witnessed in my life, especially in self-trust, have been remarkable. I invested in the program for more self-trust, Lily's guidance, and connection with the community.”

- Shannon

Main Character Life Mastermind has had a profound impact on my life. I now feel centered and confident in expressing my desires.

Since joining, I've experienced significant shifts, such as quickly letting go of mismatched matches and building emotional connections when appropriate. Investing in the program was driven by my desire for structure, accountability, and a supportive community, which it delivered. I wholeheartedly recommend the Main Character Mastermind to anyone on the fence. The blend of guidance, group coaching, and community support is invaluable.”

- Katie Sue

Investing in this Mastermind exceeded my expectations. I was drawn to the program by a dream of being part of a fierce coven of cheerleaders, guided by Lily and her incredible feminist wisdom.

For anyone on the fence about signing up for the Main Character Energy Mastermind, this program will empower you in ways you never thought possible.

One of my favorite aspects of the Main Character Life Mastermind is the deep support and friendship I've found within my coven of cheerleaders. It's an incredible feeling to be surrounded by like-minded individuals who are dedicated to their personal growth and success. To sum up, Main Character Life has truly changed my life.”

- Gabrielle

I felt like I was on the sidelines of my life. After the Mastermind, I've shed self doubt. I am more confident and vocal in my everyday life. I don't fixate on what I think other people are thinking of me. I have more personal freedom since I center myself in my own life, more shamelessly.”

- Morgan

In my love life, feminism was struggling to take its dying breath in my body. The massive permission that I had to give myself was investing in myself— I had never done that before. 

I had been nurturing everyone else, and after this experience, I have the ability to nurture myself.

During the Mastermind, I was invited to speak at a poetry conference, applied for and received a grant that I wouldn’t have before this program, built rock solid confidence after an ADHD diagnosis, made my dating life a sparkly, self-confidence filled party.

Now, I’m no longer hiding. I'm growing. I'm expanding. I’m unburdened, hopeful, reclaiming my girlhood. I'm so many Desi girls wildest dream.


  • Yes, you can join the mastermind even if you're not in Main Character Dating. Main Character Dating is our signature dating program where you'll learn how to attract the right partner with a joyful dating life. This mastermind takes it to the next level by creating your Main Character Life– in your love life and beyond. 

  • Our Virtual Kickoff Retreat is Saturday, Nov 2nd; and our first regular group coaching session is Wednesday Nov 6th @ 5pm EST.

  • Our Virtual Kickoff Retreat is Saturday, November 2nd, and our coaching calls on on Wednesdays at 5pm- 6pm EST

  • When you're getting what you want and you’re actually hitting life-long goals you’ve always dreamed of - the time feels like it’s flying. 

    Homework only takes about 1 hour per week, and our weekly sessions are 1 hour. Our cadence of meeting is 3 weeks on, one week rest. 

    If you need to miss a session, all sessions are recorded and put into your Member Portal afterwards.

    If you're ready to do the work, invest your time, energy, and money into growing this part of your life, this is absolutely right for you.

Let’s do this!