32. Why you need to celebrate where you are right now

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Alright, so you’ve acknowledged that dating isn’t easy. And...you have lost sight of why you are awesome and why someone will be lucky to be your partner. So, now what? Well, gorgeous friend, this episode is going to be your baby step forward towards transformation. 

Where to start? By acknowledging what you bring to the table.  Maybe you’re saying to yourself, “Lily, I know I’ve accomplished a lot. And it feels like some of my accomplishments have been at the mercy of finding a person.”  

This episode is a reminder to acknowledge the work you have done, and then to give your brain a break from the flight or fight response. When you do, your higher functioning can step back in and imagine a different way to go about dating. You want something more and you are ready to get it.

Here’s a breakdown of today’s episode:

  • Why you should start with celebrating where you are right now. 

  • A reminder that what is meant for you will not pass you by. You are squarely in your path.

  • Realizing that you have the choice to parent yourself with love, support, grace, and compassion. 

  • Getting the tools to explore the dating path you haven’t been confident enough to travel.

Here Are The Links & Resources Mentioned In Today’s Episode:

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33. Behind the scenes of my Celebrate Your Single-Self Challenge


Bonus: Why dating is so f*cking hard (and what to do about it).