96. How to respond to bad dating advice


Have you ever received bad dating advice from family or friends? And has that advice impacted you in negative ways? Well, this week I talk about how to deal when you get bad dating advice from people who have no business dishing it out. 

Some of the advice could sound something like:

"Maybe you're single because you asked for too much." 

“Maybe you're single because you didn't lose weight.”

“Maybe you didn't give them enough of a try.”

“Maybe you are just too old.”

Getting bad advice SUCKS. Yes, and, if you think those thoughts to be true, it’s time to breathe new life into the stories you are believing about your love life. This episode is going to help you do just that.

Hot-takes from this episode:

  • Acknowledge that bad dating advice SUCKS. 

  • Allow yourself to feel your feelings, including anger, resentment, or fear. 

  • Ask yourself: What does this advice say about the person giving it? 

  • Prioritize your self-care. 

  • Remember, your truth matters to your well-being

Here Are The Links & Resources Mentioned In Today’s Episode:

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97. Is an emotionally intelligent AND attractive partner possible?


95. What to do when you're jealous of your coupled friend