#23 - How to love yourself in dating profile photos with Damaly Shepherd

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Let’s talk about dating app profile photos for a moment, friends. Often in my work I see my clients coming up against mindset blocks or negative thoughts about their appearance when choosing their profile photo. Sound familiar? Well, in today’s show I am talking to photographer and coach, Damaly Shepherd about how to love yourself in photos. 

In this episode, Damaly provides mindset shifts and insightful advice to help you uplevel your camera confidence. By the end of this episode, we want you to have the tools to feel incredible about yourself in and out of your dating profile photos. Because as Toni Morrison said and Damaly agrees, “You are your best thing."


  • Beliefs around photo-taking: What *people think* is the reason they “don’t take good pictures,” the reality, and how to shift your perspective.

  • Everyone deserves to feel beautiful in their photos without airbrushing.

  • Critiquing photos instead of being critical was the biggest shift for Damaly and helped her to become comfortable on camera. 

  • Take a photo you don’t like? Damaly shares some ways in which you can work to adjust the story you tell yourself about the photo and move past the discomfort. 

  • How being an empath impacts Damaly photography and coaching.

Here Are The Links & Resources Mentioned In Today’s Episode:

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