34. How The Brazen Breakthrough Can Transform Your Dating Life

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How happy and supported can you stand to let yourself be? Well, I know the following things to be true: you can completely transform your dating life and feel like a joy-filled badass by the end. And the Brazen Breakthrough can help you get there. This week, I invite you to hear all about this transformative framework.

I share the origin story of the Brazen Breakthrough including how past toxic relationships led me to become a dating coach. I also share my badass dating framework and explain how it can help you to find extraordinary love on your terms. If you’ve ever wondered if the Brazen Breakthrough is right for you, this episode is one you won’t want to miss.

Here’s a breakdown of today’s episode:

  • The origin story of The Brazen Breakthrough.

  • The three cornerstones of this experience, including my thought-work model.

  • Why celebration is a huge part of my framework!

  • Plus, I answer many of your burning questions about the Brazen Breakthrough, like, “Why is 2020 a good time to invest in my dating life?” and “Is it all about the dating app?”

Here Are The Links & Resources Mentioned In Today’s Episode:

Subscribe to The Date Brazen Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Stitcher!


35. Some quick encouragement


33. Behind the scenes of my Celebrate Your Single-Self Challenge