#11: Need a boost? Here’s an epic dating pep talk

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If you're looking for some encouragement and joy, I've got your back. In this pep talk, I'm giving three reasons that you can experience hope in your dating life right now.

Sneak peak:

  1. You are uniquely qualified for the love of your life.

  2. What is meant for you will not pass you by.

  3. Your past is not an indicator of your future.

→ What to expect from today’s episode:

#1: You are uniquely qualified for the love of your life. 

Embracing your “too much” is the key to self-acceptance and love, which will attract more amazing people your way. I now know this to be true:

If someone thinks that you’re “too much,” then they’re not enough for you.

It’s time to embrace your weird!

In the episode, I share a story about embracing my weirdness and going to Gilmore Girls Fan Festival on a whim… it’s worth a listen.

#2: What is meant for you will not pass you by.

This moment is happening, right now. And we’re choosing how we interpret it.

To be in the flow of what-is, I encourage you to see how this moment is for you.

Even if you feel alone, even if you’re worried about the past, remember: what is meant for you will not pass you by. You are for the few, not the many, so take this time to explore who you are, what makes you weird, what you like, and why someone someday soon will be lucky to be your partner.

#3: Your past is NOT an indicator of your future.

If you haven’t seen proof that what you want exists, it might be hard to believe that finding someone is possible. But I don’t want you to let that interpretation dull your shine.

Take a deep breath.

Remember, if you put whether or not you feel worthy in the hands of someone else, you’ll never feel how you want. You’ve got SO SO many good things streaming to you, even right now.

You are inherently worthy of extraordinary love, my friend.

→ Now, I want you to take ACTION: 

Text one friend, tell her about this episode and ask her why she thinks you’re awesome (and follow up with reasons she is awesome)! The list of awesome things about you, that’s just part of what you’re bringing to the table.

→ You’re invited to the Amazing Virtual Dates Masterclass+party!

Join us on Friday, April 24th for a free masterclass+party for your guide to amazing virtual dates!

I’ll be sharing a stress-free process for moving your dating life forward from the comfort of your couch.

Plus, you’ll be in a badass community of women who are moving forward with you!

Just because things outside are on hold does not mean that YOU are on hold.

RSVP for this masterclass+party below!

Here are the links and resources mentioned in today’s episode: 

Subscribe to The Date Brazen Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Stitcher!


#12: How being selfish can actually serve others with Kim Grevler


#10: How to look and feel amazing on your virtual date with Joanna Lovering