63. Envision your future partner meditation


What I want is on the way.

I am worthy of what I desire.

Nothing is wrong, I am capable of more.

If those phrases all sound amazing to you, then I have something special for you this week; a future-self meditation. Yes, that’s right, I am going to walk you through a 10-minute meditation that will help you to embody the feelings you want to have in your future relationship. It will allow you to release the tension and suspend your disbelief that there is more for you. 

After you listen to this meditation - the work is not done. Take some time to journal what came up for you. What did you feel and what affirmations do you want to live into?

Here Are The Links & Resources Mentioned In Today’s Episode:

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64. How to love the shit out of your single life with Vasavi Kumar


62. The patriarchy and your dating mindset with Becky Mollenkamp