Make Online Dating Work for You... Like, Today.

The Breakdown:

As a matchmaker, I've seen the good, bad and (sometimes) ugly of dating. One of my clients, Bethany, in New York was at her whits end with dating, online and off (very understandably... it's tough out there).

She was in a pattern most of us know well-- downloading, deleting, downloading, and deleting dating apps. 

To survive in this dating reality, she numbed out and was just going through the motions.

She sought out my help, and I want to share with you what I shared with her to unlock her greatest dating life and best dates yet. So, be sure to watch the short video above.

And if you want to see proof that numbing fuels disconnection, here’s the link to the talk I mention in the video by social researcher, Dr. Brené Brown, with Queen Oprah.

I want to help you along your dating journey- to turn crappy online dating into more dates with success, so subscribe to the Brazen Blog below and check our our Swipe with Intention course.

Now, let’s stop just swiping and start something big.


Swiping With Intention


The One Step to Create a Dating Life You Love