111. Big vulnerable exciting news (aka: what self-trust will do)


Vulnerability alert! This week I am sharing some big, exciting news with y’all. In fact, I am taking lessons from the work I do with my clients and applying them to my professional life. I am showing up, being courageous, and trusting that this next path for Date Brazen is the right one. Yes, I said next path! Listen to this episode to hear about the big shift that is coming and what harnessing your main character energy has to do with it all.  

I am going to be talking about diving deeper into your self-trust because when you do, you will feel incredible about every decision in your dating life. I’ll also share what one client said to me and how that one sentence was the catalyst for the deep and meaningful change in my life’s work and mission to support women like you. 

When you create your own freedom in your life, when you show up fully for yourself, when you start to unlearn the ways the patriarchy have kept you playing small, you can create the impact you want to see in yourself and in the world around you.   

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112. Brazen Client Story: Maddie's Main Character Energy


110. Better sex with Pleasure Expert Danielle Savory