72. How to Harness Your Inner Elle Woods (plus other dating lessons from Legally Blonde)

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If you didn't notice by the title of this episode, I am bringing you my hot takes on the classic movie, Legally Blonde starring the incomparable Reese Witherspoon. Legally Blonde is an American romantic comedy about Elle Woods who follows her ex-boyfriend to Harvard Law School and learns a lot about life and herself along the way. There is so much good stuff in this movie that can be applied to the Brazen Breakthrough teachings - so I knew I just had to create an episode about it. 

So, I break down several of the most notable scenes through the Date Brazen lens.  Legally Blonde has a lot to teach us about dating, love, and what it means to own your power as a woman in the world.

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73. Your Brave Things List (and how to move from fearful to confident in your dating life)


71. Embracing Your Enoughness with Dina Scippa