89. How the hell to meet someone in-person


This week on the podcast I am talking about how to meet someone in-person in 2022. Yes, get prepared to dive deep and create a dating action plan for the new year. In this episode, you’ll hear practical advice and my five-step plan to help bring more joy and compassion to in-person dating. 

You are worthy of the love that you desire, my gorgeous friend. It is my joy to help you get out from sitting on the sidelines and onto the playing fields. Gone are the days of conforming to somebody else’s conception of who you should be or what you should be doing to find love.  Get on the playing field and show up as your full self and experience joy as you attract the love that you desire.

Episode highlights:

  • A dating app is one tool in your dating strategy. 

  • The purpose of defining your essence-based preferences. 

  • Why it is important to surround yourself with love, belonging, and support. 

  • Bring in a friend to be a co-conspirator for your dating life in 2022. Plus, the requirements needed for this role.

  • Don’t get “how,” greedy. 

  • Finally, I encourage you to get really messy and really bold!

Here Are The Links & Resources Mentioned In Today’s Episode:

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90. What to expect from 2022 dating (my trend predictions!)


88. Overcoming dating self-doubt with these 3 steps