Bonus: From burnout and overworking to setting boundaries with work and creating more space for joy and connections with Mastermind client, Juliet


Do you feel like you're burning the candle at both ends with nothing left for yourself? In this bonus episode, Lily chats with Juliet, a client from the Main Character Energy Mastermind, about how she transformed her life by setting boundaries at work and making room for joy and meaningful connections.  

Juliet’s story is all about taking back control and living fully to share how stepping into her power completely flipped her life around. From feeling burned out and isolated to creating deep friendships and a fulfilling love life, Juliet’s transformation is nothing short of inspiring.

We get into:

  • Truly believing in what you need and want unlocks the power to make aligned choices

  • Identifying the key components and values of your ideal life is the first step toward living it

  • How Juliet nurtured deeper connections with friends 

  • Finding more space for joy within all facets of Juliet’s life 

  • Overcoming internal criticism shifts your mindset from self-doubt to self-compassion

  • Turning “dating sucks” into “I can make dating fun!” 


RSVP for Take That Risk with Confident Main Character Energy

Show transcript:

[00:00:00] Lily: Hey, gorgeous friends. Welcome to another episode of the Date Brazen podcast. I'm so glad that you're here. Today is a bonus episode with my client, Juliet, who is in my Mastermind main character life, and it was formerly called Main Character Energy Mastermind, so you'll hear both names. Juliet has an incredible story of her main character energy.

[00:00:23] She Came in feeling burnt out at work, feeling lonely feeling like it was difficult to have community in her daily life and belonging. And, and, and she really wanted to build a really strong core group of friends while also shooting her shot courageously in her love life and her dating life daily. And Get ready for how main character energy, how her unique main character energy fucked up so much shit in the best way possible for her love life, her work life, her friendship life.

[00:00:58] Uh, I know that you're going to leave [00:01:00] feeling so inspired and feeling like what you want is actually possible. Main character energy. is not a static state of being. It is a learnable skill set, is permission, self trust, and massive, messy, courageous action. And Juliet embodied all of those skills as she stepped further into her main character energy, asked for more courageously, completed her main character project like a boss, and saw the effects everywhere.

[00:01:30] In her love life, she found an incredible partner, and started dating them, and was Feeling so much more like supported in her love life than ever before in her friendship life. She built that core group of friends and her work. I I'm going to let her finish her own story, but if you want this main character energy magic, if you want to start expanding, if you want to take up more space, if you want to step onto a bigger fucking stage in your life, not just in your dating life, in your life, [00:02:00] then I want you to come to my live free training on October 9th, which is coming up next week.

[00:02:05] If you're listening to this, the week it comes out October 9th, it's called take that risk with confident main character energy. Because if I know you, I know that there's been a risk on your heart, a desire that has felt impossible to bring into the world. Like maybe a business you've been dreaming about or.

[00:02:24] Your friend group doesn't feel as supportive as you want it to, or you want to shoot your shot daily in your love life, but you're too scared to do it or you're afraid of rejection. It paralyzes you. Whatever the case in this live training, you're going to learn my three steps to unapologetically claim what you want in your love life and fucking everywhere.

[00:02:42] You're going to learn how to release self doubt and you're going to learn how to take that risk you've been dreaming of with main character energy and without all of the fear. So October 9th at 6 p. m. Eastern. Get your butts like in this training. If you register, you will get the recording. [00:03:00] And, uh, this training is going to make that dream that you've had on your heart, that desire that you have had on your heart for years, it's going to make it a reality.

[00:03:07] And I can't wait to coach your face off. And right after that free class applications open to my Uber special exclusive gorgeous mastermind main character life where you'll complete a life changing main character project by releasing people pleasing, building rock solid self trust and taking risks that pay off big time.

[00:03:27] It is an intimate coven of cheerleaders who are going to support the hell out of you as I support the hell out of you and coach your face off in stepping into your main character energy, owning what you want, taking up more space with your desires, releasing people pleasing, releasing perfectionism.

[00:03:43] It's going to be epic. And this room is ready for you. So get your seat saved to that live free training on October 9th. Take that risk with confident main character energy. And, uh, I cannot wait to show you this main character energy framework. It is going to, uh, [00:04:00] Change what's possible in your love life and beyond this year and you're going to be around other people other single Badasses who are learning this framework with you.

[00:04:09] So the water's warm. Let's fucking go and with that Let's get into Juliet's main character energy story

[00:04:22] Hey, I'm Lily Womble, former top matchmaker and founder of Date Brazen. After setting up hundreds, I realized that with coaching, women could match themselves better than anyone else ever could. With my unconventional feminist approach, I've helped women around the world build courageous and self trust filled love lives.

[00:04:37] And now I'm here to support you. Get ready because I'm about to show the exact steps you need to attract a soul quenching partnership and feel amazing about yourself along the way. This is the Date Brazen podcast. Hello, gorgeous friends. Welcome to another episode of the date brazen podcast. I'm so glad that you're here today.

[00:04:56] We are talking to Juliet, [00:05:00] the Juliet, who was in this past cohort of main character energy mastermind. She is here to talk to us about her main character energy, about what came up for her with this program, like all of the magical things. And I can't wait for you to hear her story. Welcome Juliet.

[00:05:16] Juliet: Thank you.

[00:05:17] It's so good to be here. And so good to see you as always.

[00:05:20] Lily: So good to see you. You look stunning.

[00:05:23] Juliet: Thank you.

[00:05:25] Lily: Like I feel like your energy is telling a story.

[00:05:29] Juliet: Yes. And I need to hear

[00:05:31] Lily: what the story is now. I need to hear it now. So tell us like, what feels important to know about you for the people at home and we'll start there.

[00:05:44] Okay,

[00:05:45] Juliet: well, I am a public health researcher, um, an auntie, a lover of cheese, uh, a huge nerd, and a neurodivergent queen.

[00:05:55] Lily: Yes.

[00:05:56] Juliet: I am a fat white woman with brown hair and [00:06:00] green eyes, and I'm wearing a blue and green floral shirt. Thank you for sharing.

[00:06:04] Lily: I, um, uh, I love your shirt and I'm so glad that you're here.

[00:06:09] I want to know how did you find this date brazen land and how did you decide to get on a sales call for main character energy mastermind?

[00:06:18] Juliet: Well, I was scrolling through TikTok as one does. Um, and I have been upon one of your TikToks from, I mean, I think it must've been a year ago of you talking about like breaking dumb dating rules.

[00:06:31] And this is right as I was in like this crisis of wanting to be dating and also having tried like everything that I could possibly think of. Um, and so the idea of taking a feminist approach to dating was really, really resonated with me. And I was like, okay. I've tried literally everything else. Maybe this can help sort of bring some joy back into dating and help figure out what I'm doing.

[00:06:57] Lily: Yeah, and I'm so curious, [00:07:00] what was the impetus for joining, like, the Mastermind versus Brazen Breakthrough, if you knew about Brazen Breakthrough at the time?

[00:07:07] Juliet: I did think about joining Brazen Breakthrough. Partially it was a timing thing, that the main character, Energy, lined up really well for my schedule, but partially it was also, I think, for me, I tried to approach my life from a perspective of coherence.

[00:07:21] Um, so all of the different areas of my life affect each other and interact with each other. And I had already started to feel sort of out of balance in some areas, that like work was taking up more time than I wanted it to be, and home stuff and friend stuff was kind of weird. And so, at least for the main character, NRG Mastermind, the ability to like, you know, Take this approach to all of the aspects of my life was really appealing to me.

[00:07:44] Lily: Mm. Do you remember how you felt in our first call? Oh, my God. I was so scared. We're turning back the clock. Like, tell me more. You

[00:07:53] Juliet: felt scared. Tell me more. Like, what do you mean? I think in some way, at least for me as like a [00:08:00] recovering perfectionist, um, it's really hard to ask for help.

[00:08:04] Lily: Yeah,

[00:08:04] Juliet: and I had, like, tried so many things and I had been wanting to date and be in a relationship of some kind for so many years and it just wasn't working out.

[00:08:13] And so, like, talking to someone else that I didn't know and being like, Hey, I'm super stuck, um, was really, like, Opening up that level of vulnerability of acknowledging that this is something I really wanted and asking for help for someone else. I was like, am I really doing this? And then also deciding in like sort of the financial investment of trying to figure out like, okay, the time will pass anyway.

[00:08:39] Where do I want to put my money and my resources and my energy? Um, and this felt like a really great, great way to sort of invest in myself and invest in my life.

[00:08:52] Lily: Do you remember the, the brain thoughts that you were having after our conversation and what sort of, [00:09:00] what was that like in your brain to think about investing in yourself in this way?

[00:09:04] And what sort of pushed you into? No, this feels right. Versus because I remember in our call, there was some trepidation, obviously, which is normal. I felt in my bones of like, oh, this is fucking going to rock her worlds. Like, like, this is going to be so it sounds like exactly why I created this container.

[00:09:24] But I wanted, you know, you needed to go on that journey. What was that like?

[00:09:28] Juliet: I knew that the program would be amazing, and definitely after, like, we talked and vibed a little bit, I was like, Oh, okay, like, this is gonna be, uh, like, this isn't one of those preachy programs, this isn't one that's, like, very exclusive or has, like, a very traditional view of, like, heteronormative relationships and all of that, where I was like, oh, okay.

[00:09:47] And so after we talked, I knew that like conceptually and from an approach it was going to work, I think what made, maybe make that jump, um, of like making the financial investment and like really going for it is [00:10:00] two things, really. One is I always try to spend money on experiences rather than things, because those are the memories that you'll get to keep forever.

[00:10:08] And two, I think there's sort of this message that like, as a single woman, I'm not supposed to spend money on myself that like, that you're supposed to like, I don't know, wait until you get married and then like your real life starts is at least what I was raised in the South. Partially, this was sort of a like, thumbing my nose at those like patriarchal expectations of like, what's the right thing to do with my money?

[00:10:34] I'm a grown woman and I earned that money at my job. I should be able to decide where this goes and if I want to invest it in myself, then I should invest it in myself.

[00:10:43] Lily: And you also mentioned the like, Hey Barbie of it all.

[00:10:47] Juliet: Yes, it definitely felt there was such a like, and a wave of energy with Beyonce's tour and Taylor Swift's tour and the Barbie movie and all of that of like this beautiful, um, [00:11:00] celebration of like, Womanhood and sort of like this idea of what it means to be in a womanized society, which is so complex and nuanced, um, especially for like me as a white woman versus the experience of women of color.

[00:11:12] Um, but it was still such like, I don't know, there was this momentum and I really wanted to like, jump on that momentum and be able to, you know, Have it carry me into wonderful life changes. Okay.

[00:11:24] So

[00:11:25] Lily: let's get into the wonderful life changes. What was it like to, what do you remember about entering the space and starting this coaching container?

[00:11:32] Like what was coming up for you? What were you struggling with in your life at that time? Like, I just want like paint us the picture.

[00:11:39] Juliet: Yeah. So, I mean, I had a really intense career that I had put a lot of time and energy into and that I really loved. And then I was kind of finding that like, I didn't have as much else.

[00:11:52] As I

[00:11:53] Lily: wanted.

[00:11:54] Juliet: A lot of my time and focus was going towards my work, which isn't a bad thing, but I [00:12:00] sort of reached a time in my life where I also wanted to be making time for relationships and friends and hobbies. And, um, I had started that pattern, but was feeling kind of like a little stuck and kind of like, okay, like.

[00:12:14] I did a couple of things, but now I'm not really sure what to do. And I was so, so burned out with

[00:12:19] Lily: dating. I was just,

[00:12:22] Juliet: I was exhausted. I had tried so many different things. I had like listened to all the podcasts and watched all the videos and like talked with all of my friends and like took everyone's advice and, you know, it was like really trying so many things to find a partner.

[00:12:39] Hated every second of it, like I was just miserable.

[00:12:43] Lily: Yes.

[00:12:45] Juliet: Um, and so I think as I was like coming into the program, it was sort of this moment for me to like resettle my expectations and what I was looking for. Um, so that hopefully dating could be something other than a [00:13:00] miserable experience and could maybe be something that was like fun and joyful and yeah.

[00:13:05] Yeah.

[00:13:07] Lily: What do you remember? What do you remember that you like wanted to believe about yourself? Or about your dating life or about your life in general that felt like somewhat impossible at the beginning that then ended up being like a no duh by the end.

[00:13:22] Juliet: I have so many. I actually like found my notes from our very first like, uh, session.

[00:13:28] Cause I was like, where was it?

[00:13:31] Lily: Yeah. None of you remember. Here's the deal. None of you remember. All of you were like, have I not always like taken up this much space? And I love that about you. And you've been on this journey that has been so multifaceted. And you know, this is a piece of your puzzle of like arriving home to yourself and I'm like, y'all, let me, let me, uh, take you on back to our first call.

[00:13:57] I remember it vividly for each and every one of you [00:14:00] and, and everyone I've spoken to has been like, who?

[00:14:05] Juliet: It does. It feels very unfamiliar now. Like, I look back at my notes and I'm like, wait, that's not, was that Bailey?

[00:14:14] Lily: Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Keep going. Keep going.

[00:14:17] Juliet: One of the things I wrote down was like, I know what I need and I know what I want and that I wanted to believe that about myself. And like, looking back on it, I'm like, Oh honey, like I have so much love and compassion for you.

[00:14:31] And also that feels entirely alien to me now. Like, of course I know what I need and I want, like, obviously I'm the expert in my life. Hello. Hello. Yes. Yes. I love that. Yeah. Um, I think the other one is that, like, it is possible to live a life of my choosing.

[00:14:57] Lily: Um,

[00:14:58] Juliet: because I take [00:15:00] actions to make it that way. So like, there's a lot of things you can't control, obviously.

[00:15:07] Um, but when I'm thinking about the life that I want and the components that are important to me, those are all in my control. Um, and I think as like over these, these past few months in the main character energy mastermind, I've sort of identified what those pieces are. So that I can help put them into place and what are they Juliet?

[00:15:31] So there's Definitely like meaningful friendships and connections with other people, uh, is one aspect that's really important. Pausing

[00:15:40] Lily: there. Let's talk about how that has shifted for you. Like for each of these, I want to hear like what's happened.

[00:15:46] Juliet: At least for my friendships, I think I had been Stuck in this pattern of like trying to prove to myself that like they should be friends with me kind of um, and like always trying to be like [00:16:00] useful and And like, you know, I was always the friend that showed up to like help people move or which is not a bad thing Right, but it meant that I felt like I could never ask them for anything because then I'd be a burden Yeah And so I think as for a few of the month, like a few of the weeks of the program, my, my homework was to like reach out to a couple friends and be like, Hey, I'm really having a hard time.

[00:16:26] Can I just like come over and sit in your house? Yeah. And they were all lovely about it. It really, I think, deepened our comfort with each other and like, it's like now I don't even clean my house if my friends are coming over huge. Which like for me is a big deal. Huge.

[00:16:42] Lily: Yeah, that's huge. And it's so funny how.

[00:16:46] Not funny, but like, it's interesting how many people in the cohort were struggling with that same thing of like, my friends can come over, I can go over to their house and they can decide that it's not got to be clean and neat and [00:17:00] I'm fine, it's really fine, but not my house, not my, you know, I can't ask for support.

[00:17:05] Yeah. I'm so glad you asked for what you wanted in that way.

[00:17:09] Juliet: Exactly. And it's so funny because like, I love being able to like, go to my friend's houses. I don't care if it's messy and I want to like, do things like load their dishwasher for them or like pick up the, you know, like do laundry or whatever is helpful.

[00:17:22] In depriving myself of asking for help from my friends, I was also keeping them from helping me in the ways that I loved helping other people. So let's talk about the next

[00:17:31] Lily: thing that changed. Like, okay. So friendships. What else? What else?

[00:17:34] Juliet: Um, definitely work

[00:17:36] Lily: say more,

[00:17:39] Juliet: so I still have a very intense job, but I've also in the last like few months, I have been having multiple conversations with all of my different bosses of saying like, hi, this is not a sustainable work pattern for me.

[00:17:53] And I'd love to figure out ways that we can make this

[00:17:55] Lily: different. How has that been? [00:18:00]

[00:18:00] Juliet: It's been so great. It's been so great because, like, we brought in two more people, um, just, like, pulled them from other projects to come help. Um, we've rearranged some of my other work, um, and, like, I, the hardest part has been, like, my own internal criticism.

[00:18:18] Like, my bosses have been nothing but supportive, um, and have been, like, yes, of course, like, Even if the answer is no, like we can't do that, they'll help me figure out another solution to like, have some of my time back. So, yeah, it's been a really lovely journey of trying to figure out like, how can I make sure that work is the right size in my life?

[00:18:42] Lily: Ooh, so good. So with work not being the chief thing in your life, with it being like a piece and not the whole, What else?

[00:18:55] Juliet: Yeah. So it's opened up some lovely time and energy for me. Um, I'm part [00:19:00] of a weekly D and D group, uh, and I've been able to get together with my friends regularly, which is fantastic.

[00:19:08] And I'm dating someone,

[00:19:11] Lily: shut up, shut up, shut

[00:19:14] Juliet: up.

[00:19:14] Lily: Okay. So let's back up to what did dating life feel like before? And how do you think main character energy impacted? Not, you know, the, the act of main character energy impacted how you showed up in your dating life.

[00:19:30] Juliet: So dating life before was mind numbingly exhausting.

[00:19:36] Lily: Yeah. Okay.

[00:19:37] Juliet: I was on the apps. I was trying to go to like in person events for like hobbies, like game nights and D and D meetups and stuff like things that like I enjoy. And I was trying to go to meet up places and like every time I went, it was like all married couples and I was like, cool, you guys are awesome.

[00:19:55] You know, so trying different strategies in person and online. And I wasn't [00:20:00] really approaching dating from a place of like expecting that there would be someone that I could find. I was going into dating of like negotiating with myself what I could live without.

[00:20:10] Lily: What does that mean? Tell me more.

[00:20:12] Juliet: The things that I wanted, for example, are like to be able to have like a really great conversation with my partner about lots of different things.

[00:20:19] I mean, like, it doesn't. The topic doesn't necessarily matter, but I want to be able to have that level of like reflection and discernment and intellectual curiosity with whoever I'm dating. And so then I was going into these places where, you know, their answer would be like, yeah, cool. Whenever I asked them a question.

[00:20:36] So you were like convincing yourself, like, could I live without this? Yeah. It's way too much to ask to have somebody who can have it. Like you're the only person who wants to have these kinds of questions. Conversations.

[00:20:47] Lily: You're weird. You're, you

[00:20:49] Juliet: want too much. All those stories. Yeah, exactly. Definitely coming from a mindset of scarcity that like, I needed to just find whoever was okay enough [00:21:00] and let go of all of the things that I really wanted.

[00:21:02] And that dating was supposed to be miserable also, like, because anytime anybody talks about dating, they're like, Oh my God, dating sucks.

[00:21:10] Lily: Yeah. And so if dating sucked,

[00:21:12] Juliet: I was like, oh, well, that's just everyone's experience.

[00:21:15] Lily: How did main character energy interrupt that shit?

[00:21:19] Juliet: Okay. So two ways. I mean, probably more than that, but two that are coming to mind.

[00:21:23] Um, but the first way was in our very first month. We were talking about like having joy building activities and like adding in pleasure and like things that bring you happiness.

[00:21:35] Lily: Yeah.

[00:21:36] Juliet: As a result of that and the podcast, like your podcast, um, I ended up Which

[00:21:41] Lily: you're on right now, by the way.

[00:21:42] Juliet: Oh my God, that's so weird.

[00:21:44] Yeah. High past me.

[00:21:47] Lily: Yeah. Continue,

[00:21:49] Juliet: continue. And so I decided, I was, I went on a date with someone and brought a Lego kit of a dinosaur that we could put together together because I was like, I want to do this Lego [00:22:00] kit. It sounds super fun. Why don't I do it on a date and see if that makes the day massive

[00:22:04] Lily: permission?

[00:22:05] Yeah. Massive love.

[00:22:07] Juliet: And I did, and it was great. We had so much fun. And so I actually ended up dating them for like three or four months in the beginning of the program. It was more of like a bless and release conversation. We weren't really right for each other, but that massive shift and like. Oh, I can make this a fun experience for myself.

[00:22:26] Lily: Yeah. Yeah.

[00:22:27] Juliet: Really helped as I was thinking about like, what would this look like in my life? And how did I want to bring that energy to it? Yeah. And then the other one is asking for what I want and being clear when I'm not getting it. The person that I'm dating right now, we've been friends for a while.

[00:22:48] And in like the fall, they weren't really being a very good friend. Um, they had like forgotten my birthday and, um, like [00:23:00] wouldn't speak to me for like a month at a time. And I was like, I'm, I'm done. And so in October, actually, in the Main Character Energy Mastermind, we sort of brainstormed ways for me to like, bring this up to this person.

[00:23:11] And I, I'm sure you remember, I panicked for like three weeks about this.

[00:23:17] Lily: And we were just coaching all day. We were just like, Multiple times, which some of this shit is deeper than like one conversation. You got to like, get in there. Okay. Keep going. I'm on the edge of my seat.

[00:23:31] Juliet: When I brought it up to them, I was like, Hey, I have really great friendships.

[00:23:35] Essentially, like how we're interacting right now is not the way that I interact with my friends. And if you want to continue to be friends, we got to like fix something about this because I would rather put my time and energy into people who put time and energy into me. And that was really hard and certainly was kind of a turning point for him that he hadn't realized that like anything was wrong because I hadn't said anything [00:24:00] equal.

[00:24:00] There's like equal responsibility there, but

[00:24:03] Lily: I do think that this is a both hand classic both hand, which is like. You do deserve what you want in your friendships. And, you know, Brooke Castillo talks about these, um, manuals that we have for people that we don't communicate and how they're like invisible rules that we have that we haven't yet communicated with people and they may.

[00:24:21] Be live now. I too have thought you haven't texted me in a month. Do you even want to be my friend? You know, and. That's my way is not how everybody does friendship and my people need to know what I want. And we got to talk about it and not that I'm always going to get everything that I want out of a relation.

[00:24:42] Like, they're not going to change all their ways just to fit my ways. And I get to communicate what I want and they get to reciprocate and like come on board or not. And it's, you know, like you did that.

[00:24:54] Juliet: Yeah, I did. And it was. Really wonderful. It really marked sort of a [00:25:00] turning point in our friendship and our relationship.

[00:25:03] Um, exactly from that point forward, they started showing up very differently in our friendship to the point where like a few months later, I was like, Oh, so. This is feeling different to me. Circumstances have really changed about our relationship. Sort of kind of brought it up to them of like, Hey, so this is feeling very different.

[00:25:30] We're doing a lot of things that like partners would do. Do we want to try again? Cause we had dated like a year and a half ago or something and it went horribly. Which was fine. We weren't, neither of us were in the right place.

[00:25:43] Lily: Yeah. It's bad timing. It sounds like.

[00:25:46] Juliet: Yeah. And so then, um, he was definitely on board and the difference this time is that we have been very purposeful about not only talking about what we want to do differently from last time, but like [00:26:00] what we want out of a relationship and what that looks like to us.

[00:26:03] And so we've approached all of this with like this very. Meaningful and purposeful conversation that has been also just like really fun. Yes. Thank you. More please. And it's been a few months. Yeah. It's been like officially a month, but like two months since we kind of like, we're talking about things.

[00:26:23] Lily: Yeah. And how are you seeing your main character energy?

[00:26:28] Juliet: It has become much easier to realize when things are happening that like I'm not comfortable with or that I don't want and be like, Hey, this isn't working for me.

[00:26:40] Lily: Yeah.

[00:26:41] Juliet: Let's try something else. And trusting that like, that I will find the right relationship, whether or not that's this one, I can at least know that like, I am putting in the time and effort to find the right relationship for me.

[00:26:55] Lily: I will be in the right relationship for me. Like that. Yeah. Certainty is so much more [00:27:00] powerful than do I really need somebody who can have an interesting conversation?

[00:27:06] Juliet: Yes. It turns out. Yes, I do. So

[00:27:10] Lily: good. Juliet, is there a lesson from the, from the program for the mastermind that you think about or that you come back to?

[00:27:19] Juliet: Absolutely. I love the thank you, more please challenge, the looking for evidence that what you want exists. That has been huge for me, both in my relationship and in other aspects of my life. The other phrase that really resonated with me and that I've taken on is circumstances have changed and so have I.

[00:27:34] Lily: And

[00:27:36] Juliet: I think sometimes, especially when you have longer relationships with friends or partners or parents or whoever, it can be hard to ask for changes in how you want to interact with them. Because they're like, well, but five years ago you didn't care about this. And I'm like, well, yeah, but I do now. Or maybe I did care about it five years ago and I just didn't want to say anything.

[00:27:57] Either way, totally valid. And so [00:28:00] I think giving myself that grace to not be bound by previous unspoken or even spoken rules about relationships and being able to feel free to create whatever I want in the future.

[00:28:13] Lily: Yeah, so good, Juliet. And that thought circumstances have changed. And so have I, I, um, I believe is a Serena Hicks quote that I just adore.

[00:28:24] She's a coach that I like a lot, but yeah, that like circumstances have changed. And so have I another thought that I've talked about with a couple other masterminders that we talked about a lot in our time together is that I get everything I want thought.

[00:28:41] Juliet: How did

[00:28:41] Lily: that, how did that strike you and tell me about it?

[00:28:45] Juliet: I think I'm so. Working on the get, I get everything I want, um, working to believe it. I know that my other masterminders believe it for me and that obviously gives it a lot of [00:29:00] power and weight and love. Yes. I think the one that really did resonate with me is like the right relationship is inevitable.

[00:29:06] The I get everything I want is Is one that I'm still, yeah, have practicing baby steps to get there.

[00:29:12] Lily: Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So Julia, what's, what's next for your main character energy?

[00:29:20] Juliet: Well, so I'm going to keep dating this human, enjoying it. And as long as I continue to have intrigue and curiosity about where this could go and how this could happen, I'm going to keep enjoying it.

[00:29:33] I am. I'm starting next month, cutting my hours at work, which I'm very excited about, not in a, like, on, on the project that has been sucking my soul. I'm like still having to work full time because I have a mortgage and shit. So I'm still working full time, but like switching my hours away from the project that has been so overwhelming.

[00:29:53] And I'm taking like a little girls trip in a couple of weeks to go to the beach with whoever can come, [00:30:00] honestly.

[00:30:00] Lily: Yeah, lovely, lovely. I love it. Well, I'm so grateful that you allowed yourself to be vulnerable, allowed yourself to get in a community of people who are moving forward together. And it is so joyful to me that none of you remember.

[00:30:25] What you were struggling with in detail seven, eight months ago, which is just life, you know, like we change, we grow, the growth becomes the new stasis. Then it's the next thing because growth is infinite. There's no arrived. And I just remember, I remember your sales call specifically and how you. We're just really craving community and guidance and, um, and guidance aligned right with your values and who you are and where you wanted to go and what you knew in [00:31:00] your gut, you could do and I just want to go back and give.

[00:31:04] That Juliet who signed up just the biggest hug and like high five because she really believed herself and it's led to you showing up today with all of these huge updates, you know, and not that main character energy always has to be huge updates. It doesn't, but just this, like, The work specifically that you're doing at work to identify what you need to give yourself permission to, to get what you want.

[00:31:33] And the romantic relationship you're in, the friendships that you're building, the communication that you're embodying, like I'm just celebrating all of it with you.

[00:31:40] Juliet: Thank

[00:31:41] Lily: you. Really proud of you.

[00:31:42] Juliet: The biggest gift with, with mastermind energy is having this community of people who are all doing this work and have all chosen ourselves as one of my fellow practitioners.

[00:31:50] That said, um, to be with other people who choose themselves is such a powerful, uh, catalyst for growth and I've loved it and [00:32:00] all of them. So what would you say to somebody who's like thinking about it

[00:32:04] Lily: on the

[00:32:04] Juliet: fence? What would you say to them? The parts that I really appreciated were the community of like minded humans, um, to learn together and to learn from, and having that weekly accountability To keep progress moving, I mean, life happens and I know I didn't make it to all the sessions, but like, it didn't even matter because I still had that community and that coaching and that growth and it helped keep that at the top of mind of my investment that like, this is a season of my life in which I am investing time and energy into myself and money.

[00:32:44] And money. Yes. Yeah. And so, having the community was huge for me. Having the accountability for me, especially as a neurodivergent, um, was huge. And having a reminder every week of like, oh yeah, this is something I'm doing, was so powerful. For me, [00:33:00] it was an investment that I'm so grateful that I made. And I definitely would make it again.

[00:33:06] Lily: Mmm. Yeah, well, thank you. More pleased to you investing in yourself and choosing yourself. I'm so excited for you. I'm so excited to hear updates. Please post in the Slack. Yes. Like any brags or updates. I still check that and look at it. And I'm so excited for you, Julia. Thank you so much for coming on the podcast.

[00:33:25] This is just the beginning.

[00:33:27] Juliet: Exactly. Thank you more, please.

[00:33:28] Lily: Thank you more, please. Y'all. If you want to join the main character and energy mastermind, check out the link in the description of this episode, and I will talk to you next week. [00:34:00] Bye.


216. Stop overthinking your love life decisions (and how to actually trust yourself)